Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Journalist stabbed in Cusco
(IPYS/IFEX) – At approximately 6:00 a.m. (local time) on 2 September 2004, journalist César Castro Cano, of Radio Líder station, was stabbed twice in the leg by an unknown assailant. The incident occurred in the city of Cusco, capital of Cusco region, southeastern Peru, as Castro was heading to the station. The assailant, who was […]

Defamation campaign waged against journalists in publications mimicking regional newspapers
(IPYS/IFEX) – Since mid June 2004, publications that very closely copy the format and design of several local papers have been circulating in Tarapoto, capital of San Martín region, northeastern Peru. The publications’ content is aimed at attacking and degrading several local journalists. The most recent example was an imitation of the biweekly “Línea Verde”, […]

Journalist threatened
(IPYS/IFEX) – At approximately 1:30 p.m. (local time) on 20 August 2004, about twenty individuals surrounded journalist Adrián Aguilar as he was leaving Radio Huandoy station’s premises. The group warned Aguilar that he would have to “face the consequences” if he continued to report on accusations against the Caraz district former mayor, Roberto Espejo Ramírez. […]

Journalists face obstacles while reporting on presidential recall referendum
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 15 August 2004, seven reporters and photojournalists from several media outlets faced obstacles while reporting on voting in a presidential recall referendum. The incidents occurred in southwestern Venezuela. Journalist Edwin Rosal Vásquez, of “Nueva Prensa de Guayana”, was verbally assaulted by a Plan República military official. The two got into a heated […]

Government supporters prevent journalists from carrying out their work
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 5 August 2004, journalist Laura Olaizola and photographer Dorian González, of “Notitarde” newspaper, were verbally assaulted and prevented from carrying out their work by approximately 30 supporters of President Hugo Chávez’s government. The incident took place on the Güigüe-Belén road, in Carlos Arvelo municipality, Carabobo state, central Venezuela. According to Olaizola and […]

Spanish photographer attacked during political rally
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 11 August 2004, Spanish photographer Eduard Giménez was attacked while photographing a political rally organised by opponents of President Hugo Chávez’s government. The incident took place at the Plaza Bolívar, in central Caracas. Giménez was covering an event organised by an opposition group named Mujeres por el Sí. Government supporters arrived and […]

Globovisión television station news crew attacked
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 11 August 2004, a Globovisión television news crew was attacked by ruling party supporters while covering a government event outside the Vice-Presidential Office in Caracas. The area around the Vice-Presidential Office is considered a high security zone and is protected by the National Guard. The television crew, comprised of reporter Ana Karina […]

Journalist assaulted and threatened with death
(IPYS/IFEX) – On the morning of 7 August 2004, a man broke into the home of Mónica Paredes Reátegui, a correspondent for Frecuencia Latina television station. The intruder threw Paredes on the bed, tied her hands and feet with a cable and threatened to kill her. The attack, which took place in Iquitos, capital of […]