Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Broadcasting equipment seized

Broadcasting equipment seized

(IPYS/IFEX) – On the morning of 17 July 2004, Trujillo municipal security officers dismantled the Radio News of Peru’s (Radio Noticias del Perú) antenna and confiscated its broadcasting equipment. The officers, led by municipal attorney Hugo Sánchez Cortina, burst violently into the station’s offices, seizing microphones and consoles and interrupting the broadcast. The security agents […]

Link to: Police fail to act on arrest warrants against suspects in journalist’s murder

Police fail to act on arrest warrants against suspects in journalist’s murder

(IPYS/IFEX) – The Peruvian National Police’s (PNP) Yungay division has failed to act on two arrest warrants for suspects in the murder of journalist Antonio de la Torre. The arrest warrants were issued on 19 March and 2 April 2004. De la Torre was killed on 14 February in Yungay, in Peru’s northwestern Ancash region. […]

Link to: Navy detains journalists near Ecuadorian border

Navy detains journalists near Ecuadorian border

(IPYS/IFEX) – Italian journalist Luis Galdós and Colombian journalist Hallman Morris have reported that they were arbitrarily detained and forced by the Colombian navy to hand over their equipment and information they had obtained. The incident took place on 1 August 2004, on the Putumayo River, in an area reportedly known for drug trafficking and […]

Link to: Two more individuals face charges in connection with journalist’s murder

Two more individuals face charges in connection with journalist’s murder

(IPYS/IFEX) – The Attorney General’s Office has laid charges against Luis Arley Ortiz Orozco, also known as “Pereque”, and Francisco Antonio Quintero Tabares, also known as Luis Miguel Tabares Hernández or “Tilín”, for the murder of Orlando Sierra, assistant editor of “La Patria” newspaper. Sierra died on 1 February 2002, two days after he was […]

Link to: Television news crew’s footage erased

Television news crew’s footage erased

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 21 July 2004, two military security officials forced a team of Globovisión television station reporters to erase footage taken outside the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas. The television news crew, comprised of Mayela León, camera operator Richard Casanova and his assistant Jackson Vodopija, were filming for a segment about the rescheduling of […]

Link to: Public Prosecutor’s Office summons Radio Panorama journalists who spoke out against seizure of daily’s materials

Public Prosecutor’s Office summons Radio Panorama journalists who spoke out against seizure of daily’s materials

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 14 July 2004, journalists Ronald Ripa Casafranca and José Carlos Arévalo Quijano, of Radio Panorama in Andahuaylas, publicly condemned a 13 July court order for the confiscation of photographic materials from the daily “El Tiempo”. The order was issued in connection with allegations that the newspaper’s director was distributing child pornography. The […]

Link to: Newspaper director accused of distributing child pornography, newspaper’s photo archives seized

Newspaper director accused of distributing child pornography, newspaper’s photo archives seized

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 13 July 2004, an order was issued for a search of the daily “El Tiempo”‘s premises. “El Tiempo” is based in Andahuaylas, Apurímac region, southeastern Peru. The order was issued by criminal court judge Guido Castro Tamayo after a complaint was filed against “El Tiempo” director Julio Molero Ibáñez for allegedly distributing […]

Link to: Journalist unable to return to his home because of death threat

Journalist unable to return to his home because of death threat

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 15 June 2004, Fernando Valverde Lavado, a journalist for the “El Equipo de la Noticia” programme, received an anonymous threatening telephone call. The incident occurred in Pomabamba, Ancash region, northwestern Peru. The caller warned the journalist that he had two days to leave the city or he would be killed, similarly to […]