Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Journalist threatened, defamation complaint launched against head of investigation unit

Journalist threatened, defamation complaint launched against head of investigation unit

(IPYS/IFEX) – In the last three weeks of April 2004, Miguel Ramírez, an investigative journalist for “El Comercio” newspaper in Lima, received several threatening calls, both on his mobile phone and at his parent’s house. The threats consisted of insults and recordings of prayers at mass. In addition, Ramírez says that he is constantly being […]

Link to: Photojournalist harassed by security force officers

Photojournalist harassed by security force officers

(IPYS/IFEX) – On the morning of 22 April 2004, Aníbal Barreto, a photojournalist for “Correo del Caroní” newspaper, was threatened and forced to hand over some of his equipment to officers of the National Guard’s Security and Public Order Unit and Caroní’s municipal police. The incident took place while the journalist was covering the eviction […]

Link to: Mayor’s supporters attack radio station

Mayor’s supporters attack radio station

(IPYS/IFEX) – On the morning of 12 April 2004, a group of 70 people, led by the mayor of Pedro Chien municipality, in Bolivar state, damaged Horizante 88.5 FM radio station’s offices. The station is located in El Palmar, 900 kilometres south of Caracas. The incident took place during the broadcast of the radio station’s […]

Link to: Journalist receives death threats

Journalist receives death threats

(IPYS/IFEX) – Journalist Rocío Vásquez Goicochea has informed the press that she has been receiving death threats in messages left on her mobile phone and telephone calls to her house. Until recently, Vásquez Goicochea was editor of “Últimas Noticias” newspaper in Chimbote, in the country’s northern Ancash region. In one of the messages, which was […]

Link to: Journalist attacked in Tambogrande

Journalist attacked in Tambogrande

(IPYS/IFEX) – On the morning of 18 April 2004, Denis Pomajulca Benítez, a journalist for “Correo” newspaper in Piura, was attacked while he was covering a public meeting in the community of Apóstol Juan Bautista de Locuto, Tambogrande, Piura. A crowd of approximately 300 people turned on Pomajulca Benítez, attacking him and seizing his digital […]

Link to: Journalist killed in Ucayali

Journalist killed in Ucayali

(IPYS/IFEX) – Alberto Rivera Fernández, a journalist, former member of parliament and president of the Ucayali Journalists’ Federation, was assassinated on 21 April 2004, at approximately 1:30 p.m. (local time), in the city of Pucallpa, eastern Peru. According to information gathered from local correspondents, the journalist was working in his office, which is housed within […]

Link to: Weekly disappears from newsstands after all copies bought up in advance of sale to general public

Weekly disappears from newsstands after all copies bought up in advance of sale to general public

(IPYS/IFEX) – Issue No 134 of the Arequipa-based weekly “El Búho” was not available for sale to the general public on 16 April 2004. Groups of individuals reportedly began buying up all copies of the weekly at 6:00 a.m. (local time). According to “El Búho” director and journalist Mabel Cáceres, all copies of the weekly […]

Link to: Public Prosecutor’s Office investigates “La Razón” newspaper’s journalists for “crimes against the state”

Public Prosecutor’s Office investigates “La Razón” newspaper’s journalists for “crimes against the state”

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 11 March 2004, in an official letter to the Lima-based newspaper “La Razón”, the Peruvian National Police urgently requested the names of the journalists responsible for a 4 February article. The article reported on the alleged existence of an audio recording of a meeting between President Alejandro Toledo and Vladimiro Montesinos, and […]