Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Television station fined

Television station fined

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 11 February 2003, the National Telecommunications Commission (Comision Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, CONATEL) announced that television station Globovision is being fined more than US$90,000, for allegedly failing to pay its taxes. The station is still under investigation in connection with its programming. According to CONATEL Director Jesse Chacon, Globovision owes US$32,000 in arrears. […]

Link to: News crew kidnapped for more than one hour

News crew kidnapped for more than one hour

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 5 February 2003, a news crew from the daily “El Tiempo”, based in Puerto La Cruz, eastern Venezuela, were kidnapped while reporting on events at a local university. Journalist Gabriela Díaz and photographer Chicho Bello were held for more than one hour by a group of Universidad de Oriente students, allegedly supporters […]

Link to: Radio journalist attacked by unknown assailant

Radio journalist attacked by unknown assailant

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 6 February 2003, in the afternoon, journalist Juan Espinoza Linares was attacked by an unknown assailant and seriously injured. The incident occurred as the journalist was leaving Radio Studio 99, in the city of Chimbote, after completing the broadcast of his programme “The People’s Voice and Opinion”. Espinoza told IPYS that he […]

Link to: Journalist cleared of all charges by high court

Journalist cleared of all charges by high court

(IPYS/IFEX) – In a 3 to 2 split decision, the Lima High Court’s First Civil Chamber dismissed a case against journalist César Hildebrandt Pérez Treviño, filed in 1998 by the Alliance S.A.C. company. The company is owned by Julio Vera Abad, former ATV Canal 9 television station director and currently a fugitive from justice. Vera […]

Link to: Radio station under investigation

Radio station under investigation

(IPYS/IFEX) – The Venezuelan government has opened an investigation of Radio Coro 780 AM station, in the northwestern state of Falcon, for allegedly violating radio broadcasting regulations. The radio station was notified of the investigation in a communiqué signed by National Telecommunications Commission (Comision Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, CONATEL) Director General Jesse Chacon and delivered to […]

Link to: Television news crew attacked

Television news crew attacked

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 5 February 2003, a Televen television news team was attacked as it reported on events in the town of Yagua, Carabobo state, in central Venezuela. The news team, headed by journalist Charmiant Corado, was at a Yagua gasoline distribution centre to cover a visit to the site by members of parliament. A […]

Link to: Television commentator sentenced

Television commentator sentenced

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 31 January 2003, businessman and television commentator Eduardo Yáñez received a 61-day suspended prison sentence. Judge Juan Manuel Muñoz found the television commentator guilty of “insult” (“desacato”) against the Supreme Court. Yáñez was also fined 11 monthly tributary units (equivalent to approx. 322 pesos or US$460). Yáñez will not have to serve […]

Link to: Journalists assaulted by demonstrators

Journalists assaulted by demonstrators

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 29 January 2003, members of the Civil Construction Union (Federacion de Construccion Civil) attacked journalists who were covering their demonstration during the second day of a labour disruption. The workers were marching towards downtown Lima, where public demonstrations are prohibited according to a municipal order. Armed with steel rods and sticks, the […]