Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: New edition of tabloid defaming director of “La República” daily appears

New edition of tabloid defaming director of “La República” daily appears

After almost three months out of circulation, on the morning of 6 January 2000, the defamatory tabloid “Repudio” reappeared on newspaper and magazine stands. As in previous editions, the tabloid discredits and insults member of Congress and director of “La República” daily Gustavo Mohme Llona. The latest edition of the tabloid has nine pages, including […]

Link to: Journalists’ materials seized by police

Journalists’ materials seized by police

On 23 December 1999, Aucayacu police officers, in the Amazonian region of San Martín, seized video and photographic materials from a number of journalists who were covering an explosion which occurred at a counter-revolutionary base in the town. According to information published in “La República” newspaper, police officers stripped the journalists of their cameras and […]

Link to: Journalist sentenced after questioning lawyer linked with intelligence services chief

Journalist sentenced after questioning lawyer linked with intelligence services chief

Horacio Potestá, a journalist with the “Caretas” weekly, received a one year suspended prison sentence and was ordered to pay 20,000 new soles (approx. US$5,800) in civil damages. Potestá was accused of defamation by lawyer Javier Corrochano Patron, who has defended drug traffickers and is apparently linked to the chief of the intelligence services, Vladimiro […]

Link to: Deputy justice orders capture of businessman and press freedom advocate

Deputy justice orders capture of businessman and press freedom advocate

On 21 December 1999, Elizabeth Pineda Cáceres, deputy justice of the Second Taxation Offences Court, issued a national and international order for the capture of businessman and former president of the Peruvian Association of Radio and Television (Asociacion de Radio y Television del Perú) Genaro Delgado Parker. Delgado Parker was accused of having unlawfully appropriated […]

Link to: Judiciary police attempts to close “Liberación” daily

Judiciary police attempts to close “Liberación” daily

On 21 December 1999, the judiciary police attempted to prevent the new daily “Liberacion” from being distributed, by arguing that they had a right to seize assets used as colateral by a company that previously operated from the daily’s premises. The daily is under the direction of journalist César Hildebrandt, and, together with the “La […]

Link to: Journalist for “Democracia” weekly threatened in Ayacucho

Journalist for “Democracia” weekly threatened in Ayacucho

Journalist Carlos Infante Yupanqui, general manager of the Ayacucho weekly “Democracia”, informed IPYS that he has been receiving threats for the past two weeks, ever since a report on irregularities in a number of local institutions and organisations was published in the weekly. Infante Yupanqui has been threatened in person, he has received threatening phone […]

Link to: IPYS protests closure of independent radio station

IPYS protests closure of independent radio station

According to information obtained by IPYS, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications ordered the closure of radio station Radio Libertad, which is located in the city of Trujillo, in the northern department of La Libertad. The radio station is accused of lacking the necessary legal documents, despite the fact that the station’s directors demonstrated that […]

Link to: Director of daily faces legal action, order for his capture

Director of daily faces legal action, order for his capture

Rolando Rodrich Sarango, director of the newspaper “Correo de Piura” is facing two legal actions. He is being accused of slander and defamation in actions filed against him by Piura Supreme Court President Gerardo Adán Soto Quiroz and by Soto Quiroz’s wife, Vilma Herrera de Soto. A little more than three weeks ago, “Correo de […]