Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad
Journalist with “Caretas” magazine sentenced
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 8 June 1999, Judge Elizabeth Grossman Casas of the 14th Criminal Tribunal sentenced Rosa Vallejos, a journalist with the magazine “Caretas” to a conditional one year prison term and ordered she pay 5,000 Nuevo Sols (approximately US$5,000) in civil damages. Judge Elizabeth Grossman Casas is the same judge who last week denied […]
APRODEV’s representative testifies before a judge
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 9 June 1999, Argentinian citizen Héctor Ricardo Faisal Fracalossi, the legal representative of the Association for the Defense of the Truth (Asociacion Pro Defensa de La Verdad, APRODEV), appeared for over one hour in front of Arturo Vílchez Requejo, Judge of the 20th Lima Criminal Court. The court is hearing the case, […]
APRODEV’s representative testifies before a judge
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 9 June 1999, Argentinian citizen Héctor Ricardo Faisal Fracalossi, the legal representative of the Association for the Defense of the Truth (Asociacion Pro Defensa de La Verdad, APRODEV), appeared for over one hour in front of Arturo Vílchez Requejo, Judge of the 20th Lima Criminal Court. The court is hearing the case, […]
Sale of “false” newspaper “Repúdica” prohibited
(IPYS/IFEX) – The Institute for the Defence of Consumers and Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) has prohibited the distribution and marketing of the publication known as “Repúdica” as a precautionary measure to protect intellectual property. “Repúdica” has imitated the logo and format of the daily “La República”, and has been disparaging independent journalists and opponents of the […]
Radio journalist killed in Aucayacu
(IPYS/IFEX) – Journalist Félix Haro Rodríguez has been found dead several days after having disappeared. Haro Rodríguez was a photographer and host of a programme featuring folkloric music, which was broadcast on Radio 1160’s affiliate in Aucayacu, district of Huánuco (in northern Peru). The journalist was killed brutally with machetes, his body having been dismembered. […]
Newspaper “La República” brings accusation against “false” newspaper
(IPYS/IFEX) – The daily “La República” has brought accusations in front of the public prosecutor against the publishers of the “false” newspaper “Repúdica”. “Repúdica” has copied “La República”‘s format, logo and typology in a bid to threaten journalists and disparage politicians and well-known people associated with the opposition. Some of the journalists who have been […]
Journalists press charges against minister and general for telephone tapping
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 31 May 1999, a group of journalists whose telephones were tapped, brought forth a charge on constitutional grounds. Charges were brought against the current minister of transportation and president of the Council of Ministers, and against former minister of defense, General César Saucedo Sánchez, in his capacity as the person in charge […]
APRODEV’s representative is summoned by court for the third time
(IPYS/IFEX) – The legal representative of the Association for the Defense of the Truth (Asociacion Pro Defensa de la Verdad, APRODEV), Argentinian citizen Héctor Ricardo Faisal Fracalossi, was summoned by provisional judge Arturo Vílchez Requejo to appear in front of the 20th Lima Criminal Court on 9 June 1999, and was warned that he could […]