Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Plan against independent press denounced

Plan against independent press denounced

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 29 April 1999, during a press conference on press freedom organized in New York by Freedom House, Peruvian businessman Baruch Ivcher showed official confidential documents that reveal a new governmental plan of attack against the press. **Updates IFEX alerts of 30 April 1999; for background on Ivcher being stripped of his citizenship […]

Link to: Mayor insults journalist, expels her from public assembly

Mayor insults journalist, expels her from public assembly

(IPYS/IFEX) – On the morning of 24 April 1999, in the Sihuas province, department of Ancash, journalist Estela Alejos Alejos was verbally attacked and expelled from a public meeting by the Sihuas mayor, Hermenegildo Morillo Alejos. The journalist was at the Municipal Civic Centre to gather information on a public assembly called by the Sihuas […]

Link to: Renewed attacks against the director of “La República”

Renewed attacks against the director of “La República”

(IPYS/IFEX) – A new slander campaign against the director of the “La República” daily, Gustavo Mohme Llona, has been launched on the pages of the daily “El Tío”, under its new section titled “Deceitful persons and politics.” Apparently, its aim is to attack journalists and politicians who are opposed to the government. **Updates IFEX alerts […]

Link to: Threats and attacks against Satipo press continue

Threats and attacks against Satipo press continue

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 21 April 1999, at approximately 8:35 a.m. (local time), Fernando Santos Rojas received death threats while he was in the recording booth directing his programme, “Libertad de Prensa” (Freedom of the Press), on Satipo’s radio Estudio 99. This time, the threats came from the mayor’s brother. Some of the mayor’s brothers had […]

Link to: Chief prosecutor of San Martín decides on Tito Pilco Mori case

Chief prosecutor of San Martín decides on Tito Pilco Mori case

(IPYS/IFEX) – The chief prosecutor of San Martín, Antonio Ruiz Sánchez, has ruled that Lleny Valera’s appeal is founded. Valera is the widow of journalist Tito Pilco Mori, who died in September 1997 under suspicious circumstances (see IFEX alerts). She had appealed a ruling that ordered that the case be definitively closed. The prosecutor ordered […]

Link to: Radio equipment destroyed, journalist threatened

Radio equipment destroyed, journalist threatened

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 19 April 1999, at about 6:45 p.m. (local time), some fifteen people burst into the Radio Estudio 99 premises, in the city of Satipo, department of Junín. They damaged the recording booth and equipment, and threatened journalist Fernando Santos Rojas, who has been the director of the news programme “Libertad de Prensa” […]

Link to: Director of radio programme attacked by attorney

Director of radio programme attacked by attorney

(IPYS/IFEX) – On Saturday, 17 April 1999, at about 1:30 a.m. (local time), the general director of Radio Rioja, Teofilo Juan Mori Mendoza, was verbally and physically attacked by attorney José Manuel Monteverde Tuesta, who was in a bar in the city with some companions. **For background on the Tito Pilco Mori see IFEX alerts […]

Link to: Journalists denounce APRODEV’s legal representative

Journalists denounce APRODEV’s legal representative

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 15 April 1999, a charge for defamation and insult was presented to the criminal court against Héctor Ricardo Faisal, the legal representative of the Association for the Defense of the Truth (Asociacion Pro Defensa de la Verdad, APRODEV). He is thought to have played a role in the distribution of slanderous and […]