Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: President of the Council of Ministers asked to explain why journalist is being pressured

President of the Council of Ministers asked to explain why journalist is being pressured

(IPYS/IFEX) – In a motion presented to the Congress, the president of the Council of Ministers, Víctor Joy Way Rojas, was summoned by members of Congress from the opposition to report on the government’s response to the César Hildebrandt case. The journalist has denounced the fact that pressure is preventing his programme, “Hildebrandt por Enlace […]

Link to: Members of Congress denounce Minister’s threats to the press

Members of Congress denounce Minister’s threats to the press

(IPYS/IFEX) – Members of Congress from various political parties rejected and denounced the explicit threats made publicly by the Minister of Labour, Jorge Mufarech, against the “Expreso” newspaper, the cable channel Cable Canal de Noticias (CCN) and their owners. **Updates IFEX alert of 9 April 1999** On the night of Wednesday, 7 April 1999, during […]

Link to: Ivcher’s capture is suspended

Ivcher’s capture is suspended

(IPYS/IFEX) – Chancellor Fernando de Trazegnies confirmed that the order for Baruch Ivcher’s capture, a request for which had been made to Interpol, has been “suspended”. He said that the government put into effect this suspension at the request of the businessman’s lawyers. However he pointed out that it had not been possible to reach […]

Link to: Ivcher, his wife and oldest daughter to be sentenced on 16 April

Ivcher, his wife and oldest daughter to be sentenced on 16 April

(IPYS/IFEX) – Baruch Ivcher, his wife Neomy Even and their oldest daughter Michal Ivcher – along with the television station’s former managers: Julio Sotelo, Alberto Cabello and Benjamín Lazo Cieza – will be sentenced for supposed irregularities in the transfer of Frecuencia Latina – Channel 2 shares. The court case is scheduled for Friday, 16 […]

Link to: Minister of Labour threatens journalists

Minister of Labour threatens journalists

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 7 April 1999, the Minister of Labour, Jorge Mufarech, launched a series of threats against the journalists of the “Expreso” newspaper, “Caretas” magazine, and those who work with the cable channel Cable Canal de Noticias. As a result, the “Expreso” published the following editorial on 8 April: “The attack against the media […]

Link to: Internet campaign against journalists and politicians continues

Internet campaign against journalists and politicians continues

(IPYS/IFEX) – On Tuesday 30 March 1999, statements attacking Baruch Ivcher appeared on the Internet site of the organisation Association for the Defense of the Truth (Aprodev, Asociacion Pro Defensa de la Verdad). Previously, defamations against journalists and politicians opposed to the Fujimori regime had appeared on the Internet page. **Updates IFEX alert of 2 […]

Link to: Journalists accused of terrorism

Journalists accused of terrorism

(IPYS/IFEX) – Jaime Luis Meza Tello, director of the news programme “Informacion al día”, distributed on the Radio Mar subsidiary in Cerro de Pasco, and Luis Barba Canoa, director of the opinion and interview programme “El Reportero”, and correspondent with Radio Programas del Perú in the same city, have been informed by the local police […]

Link to: President Fujimori laments the fact that the Ivcher case cannot be resolved

President Fujimori laments the fact that the Ivcher case cannot be resolved

(IPYS/IFEX) – President Alberto Fujimori said that “unfortunately, because of legal reasons, no agreement was reached under the conditions that we thought possible, but we should recognise that both parties did all they could.” He was referring to the fact that the Baruch Ivcher case will be brought to the Interamerican Court of Human Rights, […]