Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Journalist kidnapped and forced to abandon his work

Journalist kidnapped and forced to abandon his work

(IPYS/IFEX) – In Aucayacu, a district of Leoncio Prado province in the department of Huánuco, journalist José Luis Bardales, director of the biweekly “Quincenario Matutino” and director of the Matutino news programme, broadcast over Radio Panamericana, has been forced to leave the district and abandon his journalism work since the end of October, after being […]

Link to: Judge asks INTERPOL to detain Baruch Ivcher’s wife and daughter

Judge asks INTERPOL to detain Baruch Ivcher’s wife and daughter

(IPYS/IFEX) – In an official letter to the INTERPOL office in Lima, the permanent judge of the Special Court for Tax and Customs Offences (Juzgado Especializado en Delitos Tributarios y Aduaneros), Nicolás Trujillo, ordered Neomy Even and Michal Ivcher, wife and daughter of businessman Baruch Ivcher, to be found and detained on charges of doctoring […]

Link to: Journalist fears continual threats in Ica; journalists assaulted during clash at Ica National University, police official takes journalist’s camera and orders film exposed

Journalist fears continual threats in Ica; journalists assaulted during clash at Ica National University, police official takes journalist’s camera and orders film exposed

(IPYS/IFEX) – Humberto Fajardo Osco, a journalist with the daily “La Opinion” and Ica’s Radio Constelacion, and correspondent of the Lima-based daily “La República”, has been receiving constant threats from individuals thought to be linked to the dean of the National University of Ica (UNICA). Over the past few months, Alejandro Encinas Fernández’s work as […]

Link to: Director and publisher of Chimbote daily sentenced

Director and publisher of Chimbote daily sentenced

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 17 November 1998, Javier Peláez Olortegui and Marco Villanueva Escobar, editor and publisher, respectively, of the “Diario de Chimbote” daily, received three and two-year suspended sentences by the Provisional Judge of the First Criminal Court of Chimbote, César Augusto Gutiérrez Alonso. The sentences stem from a defamation and slander suit brought by […]

Link to: Journalist reports physical attack and closing of programmes

Journalist reports physical attack and closing of programmes

(IPYS/IFEX) – In the province of Ambo, department of Huánuco, journalist Irwin Berríos Pariona, director of the news programme “Opinion”, broadcasted by Radio Uranio, has reported to IPYS that the Provincial Mayor, Walter Santa Cruz Ponce, physically attacked him. The assault took place on 14 November 1998 at City Hall while preparations for the “Miss […]

Link to: Journalist jailed for making statement supporting terrorism

Journalist jailed for making statement supporting terrorism

(IPYS/IFEX) – A young journalist has been jailed in Yurimaguas, in the province of Alto Amazonas, Department of Loreto, three days after having read a letter sent by the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru, MRTA) on his radio programme. The journalist was under considerable pressure, having received death threats via telephone. The […]

Link to: Congressman’s lawsuit against “El Correo de Piura” newspaper inadmissible

Congressman’s lawsuit against “El Correo de Piura” newspaper inadmissible

(IPYS/IFEX) – Congressman Miguel Ciccia Vasquez brought a lawsuit at the 4th Civil Court in Lima against the daily newspaper “El Correo de Piura”, requesting compensation of two million soles (approx. US$640,400) and demanding rectification and a public correction of journalistic statements and information, claiming injury to his honour and reputation. Ciccia Vasquez’s lawsuit is […]

Link to: Two journalists of “La República” daily attacked in Puno, other journalists also targeted

Two journalists of “La República” daily attacked in Puno, other journalists also targeted

(IPYS/IFEX) – On Saturday, 28 November 1998, at around midnight, six unknown men violently assaulted two journalists of the daily “La República” in Puno. Carlos Fernández and Felipe Gutiérrez were attacked as they headed to their homes. The assailants took a briefcase that contained documents related to several cases, a mobile phone with its battery […]