Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Harassment of Baruch Ivcher continues as new case opened

Harassment of Baruch Ivcher continues as new case opened

(IPYS/IFEX) – IPYS reported on 21 October 1998 that a new case was opened on 20 October against Baruch Ivcher, former owner of the Frecuencia Latina/Channel 2 television station. Ivcher is charged with allegedly adulterating the books in order to transfer twenty shares in the television station over to his daughters. The trial, in which […]

Link to: Provincial mayor launches intimidation campaign against journalists

Provincial mayor launches intimidation campaign against journalists

(IPYS/IFEX) According to a 22 October 1998 report by IPYS, the mayor of Satipo province, Arturo Durand Pañez, has made a clear attempt to intimidate journalists who criticise his administration and its frequent irregularities. On 21 October, Durand Pañez announced, through the municipality’s legal counsel, Raúl Robles, that he would initiate legal action against journalist […]

Link to: Congresswoman wants newspaper investigated

Congresswoman wants newspaper investigated

(IPYS/IFEX) On 23 October 1998, IPYS reported that Martha Chávez, a majority member of Congress and President of Congress’ Defense Committee, called for an investigation into the sources of income of the new daily “Referendum”, after the paper published her comments on the origins of Tiwinza, a piece of disputed territory in the Peru-Ecuador conflict. […]

Link to: Harassment of journalist Isaac García continues

Harassment of journalist Isaac García continues

(IPYS/IFEX) – The harassment of journalist Isaac García in Tarapoto (in Peru’s jungle region) has been escalating. **Updates IFEX alert of 30 September 1998** In September 1998, García went public with his tape recording of an August speech given in Tarapoto in which the President of the Council of Ministers, González Reategui, openly supported candidates […]

Link to: Groups send letter regarding creation of OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression

Groups send letter regarding creation of OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression

(IPYS/IFEX) – Five groups sent the following 28 September 1998 letter to the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States (OAS) concerning the creation of the post of Special Rapporteur on Freedom for Expression: 28 September 1998 OAS Inter American Commission on Human Rights Doctores Carlos Ayala Corao, President […]

Link to: Journalist Isaac García harassed

Journalist Isaac García harassed

(IPYS/IFEX) – IPYS reports that journalist Isaac García Villanueva has been the victim of an attack campaign launched by public servants and sympathisers of the governing party. On 18 August 1998, a representative of the President’s Office, González Reategui, visited the province of Tarapoto (in the jungle region of Peru). At a public demonstration, Reategui […]

Link to: Supreme Court overturns acquittal in bombing of Channel 13 and Radio Samoa

Supreme Court overturns acquittal in bombing of Channel 13 and Radio Samoa

(IPYS/IFEX) – According to an 8 September 1998 report by IPYS, that same day Peru’s Supreme Court annulled the 23 January 1998 verdict by a chamber of the Puno Superior Court which absolved six army officers and one civilian tried for the 17 October 1996 bombing of Radio Samoa and the Puno affiliate of Channel […]

Link to: Baruch Ivcher’s trial opens

Baruch Ivcher’s trial opens

(IPYS/IFEX) – Baruch Ivcher’s trial on charges of customs fraud, tax evasion and falsifying documents began on 14 September 1998. In the first hearing, the defense was not given any opportunities and anything the prosecution tried to enter into evidence against the accused was accepted. The prosecutor has asked for a twelve-year prison term for […]