Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Forty IFEX members protest attacks on free expression

Forty IFEX members protest attacks on free expression

Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Forty IFEX members signed the following statement, calling on the Bahraini authorities to address recent attacks on free expression in that country.

Link to: Forty IFEX members appeal for diplomatic support in detained journalists’ case

Forty IFEX members appeal for diplomatic support in detained journalists’ case

Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Forty IFEX members signed on to a letter calling on the international community to press for the release of journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling.

Link to: Thirty-seven IFEX members express concern about deterioration of free expression

Thirty-seven IFEX members express concern about deterioration of free expression

Free expression advocates from around the world gathered this week in Oslo, Norway, at the IFEX General Meeting. Thirty-seven IFEX members signed on to a statement calling on the Azerbaijani authorities to address the deterioration in press freedom.

Link to: Peruvian writer and his son briefly detained, warned they should not comment on Venezuelan political situation

Peruvian writer and his son briefly detained, warned they should not comment on Venezuelan political situation

Customs officials at Caracas airport detained Peruvian journalist Álvaro Vargas Llosa for more than two hours. His father, writer Mario Vargas Llosa, was detained two days later.

Link to: Globovisión broadcasting team prevented from entering Legislative Council building

Globovisión broadcasting team prevented from entering Legislative Council building

Security guards at the building where the National Assembly’s parliamentary commissions work prevented a Globovisión broadcasting team from entering the building.

Link to: Unidentified individuals throw bomb at television station headquarters; Chávez and Correa propose the creation of a regional body to monitor the press

Unidentified individuals throw bomb at television station headquarters; Chávez and Correa propose the creation of a regional body to monitor the press

Unidentified individuals threw a homemade bomb at the building that houses the headquarters of Teleamazonas television station. In a separate development, President Correa announced that he will propose the creation of a regional body to monitor and protect governments from the press.

Link to: Radio programme cancelled, allegedly due to political pressure

Radio programme cancelled, allegedly due to political pressure

Manuel España, a teacher and presenter of the programme “Voz de la Enseñanza”, reported that his show was cancelled due to political pressure.

Link to: Journalist struck and threatened by jail director after taking his photograph

Journalist struck and threatened by jail director after taking his photograph

The director of the Cambio Puente penitentiary hit and threatened to kill a “Diario de Chimbote” journalist after he took the director’s picture.