Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Journalists used as “human shields” in shoot-out

Journalists used as “human shields” in shoot-out

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 18 April 2009, TV Liberal reporters Felipe Almeida and Victor Haôr reported to IPYS that they were used as “human shields”, together with other journalists, by members of the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST), during a shoot-out with security agents. The MST was attempting to take over a farm in Pará, in […]

Link to: Journalist threatened, stones thrown at his home after he criticises former president Fujimori; radio station attacked after accusing former mayor of corruption

Journalist threatened, stones thrown at his home after he criticises former president Fujimori; radio station attacked after accusing former mayor of corruption

Unidentified individuals threw stones at Radio Libertad journalist Walter Castillo Chávez’s home in Arequipa, a city in southern Peru. In a separate incident, a group of supporters of the former mayor of Huarmey tried to enter the facilities of Radio Manatial radio station in an attempt to attack the station’s personnel and destroy its equipment.

Link to: Journalist Rodrigo Oliveira threatened by police, prevented from reporting on incident at soccer game

Journalist Rodrigo Oliveira threatened by police, prevented from reporting on incident at soccer game

On 5 April 2009, radio station Gaúcha journalist Rodrigo Oliveira was threatened by military police and prevented from doing his work while he was covering a football game.

Link to: Official accuses press of extortion

Official accuses press of extortion

On 6 April 2009, César Álvarez Aguilar, president of Ancash’s Regional Government, once more accused the media and journalists in general of extortion, during the inauguration of two public works.

Link to: Newspaper editor Jaime Abanto Padilla threatened after denouncing corruption committed by penitentiary officials

Newspaper editor Jaime Abanto Padilla threatened after denouncing corruption committed by penitentiary officials

(IPYS/IFEX) – Since 21 March 2009, the editor-in-chief of the “Panorama Cajamarquino” newspaper, Jaime Abanto Padilla, has been receiving threatening telephone calls. The threats began after the newspaper denounced acts of corruption committed by National Penitentiary Institute (INPE) officials at the Huacariz prison in Cajamarca, a city in northern Perú. The callers have made it […]

Link to: National Assembly president calls for investigation into conduct of journalist Beatriz Adrián; journalists prevented from covering arrival of kidnapped youth at medical centre

National Assembly president calls for investigation into conduct of journalist Beatriz Adrián; journalists prevented from covering arrival of kidnapped youth at medical centre

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 26 March 2009, National Assembly President Cilia Flores said that she has requested an investigation into the conduct of Globovisión television station journalist Beatriz Adrián. Flores alleged that Adrián had used illegal means to conduct an investigation into the salary paid to National Assembly Deputy Oscar Figueras, which the journalist broadcast on […]

Link to: Journalists’ association secretary general, Ángel Perozo, receives threat

Journalists’ association secretary general, Ángel Perozo, receives threat

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 26 March 2009, Ángel Perozo, secretary general of the National Journalists’ Association (Colegio Nacional de Periodistas, CNP), reported having received a phone call from an unidentified person threatening to send three people to attack him if he did not stop requesting that the government speed up the investigations of attacks against journalists […]

Link to: INTERPOL asked to capture individual accused of planning journalist Orel Sambrano’s murder

INTERPOL asked to capture individual accused of planning journalist Orel Sambrano’s murder

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 12 March 2009, Venezuela’s Public Prosecutor’s Office asked the International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL) to capture Walid Makled. The Department of Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations has accused Makled of being the mastermind behind the murder of journalist and lawyer Orel Sambrano, which took place in January in Valencia, Carabobo state, in […]