Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

TV crew in Peru threatened in attempt to stop broadcast of report on corruption
Frequencia Latina TV “Punto Final” programme reported that journalist Roberto Ramírez and his cameramen, Jorge López and Orlando Cánepa, received death threats after broadcasting a video that shows the involvement of the provincial mayor of Talara in acts of corruption.

Journalist threatened after broadcasting violent images in Peru
Journalist Javier Nilo Poma Sotelo, director and presenter of the news program “Huaraz Informa” on Global TV, received several calls on his cell phone in which he and his family were threatened to be killed if he continued to broadcast the violent actions of students on strike at the University of Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo.

Journalist threatened after broadcasting violent images in Peru
Journalist Javier Nilo Poma Sotelo, director and presenter of the news program “Huaraz Informa” on Global TV, received several calls on his cell phone in which he and his family were threatened to be killed if he continued to broadcast the violent actions of students on strike at the University of Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo.

Molotov cocktail launched at home of Peruvian journalist
Journalist Teobaldo Meléndez Fachín, whose home was targeted in the early morning, said he had been under constant threat since he had denounced corruption in the administration of the former mayor of Yurimaguas, Juan Daniel Mesía Camus.

IFEX members concerned over undermining of OAS Special Rapporteur
Over 30 IFEX members express concern at a set of proposals put forth by the government of Ecuador and due to be discussed on 8 March in Ecuador that seek to reform the OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression.

Photojournalist murdered outside his home in Peru
On 23 February 2013, Luis Choy Yin Sandoval, a photographer for the newspaper El Comercio, in Lima, was killed outside his home by an alleged hit man. The National Police believe that Choy may have known the attacker.

Arson suspected in fire at Peruvian radio station
On 8 February 2013, an alleged arson attack on Radio Paraíso in Olmos burnt down its equipment, leaving it off the air and with losses of approximately 15 thousand nuevos soles (approx. US$5800). The station’s manager believes the latest attack is connected to the local mayor.

Supporters of impeached mayor attack journalist in Peru
Journalist Ciro Severo Vargas Sánchez, correspondent for the newspaper Prensa Regional and journalist for Radio Melodía in Huaraz, was attacked by a group of followers of former mayor Óscar Ugarte Salazar. The journalist was seriously injured and his equipment was broken.