Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Sports journalists barred from football game by club owner Congressman José Mallqui following critical coverage

Sports journalists barred from football game by club owner Congressman José Mallqui following critical coverage

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 9 April 2008, a group of sports journalists were forbidden to enter the Rosas Pampa stadium in the city of Huaraz, northwestern Peru, where they were due to cover the opening match of a professional football championship. Even though they have the accreditation required for entrance to any stadium in the country, […]

Link to: Newspaper editor’s telephone tapped; police detain reporters for more than four hours

Newspaper editor’s telephone tapped; police detain reporters for more than four hours

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 6 April 2008, “El Comercio” newspaper announced that the phone of journalist and political editor Juan Paredes Castro had been tapped through the use of a device installed 400 meters away from his house. The transmitting-receiving apparatus was found after the newspaper’s security services made an electronic sweep of the staff’s telephone […]

Link to: Journalists beaten by demonstrators opposing Yanacocha mining company activities in Cajamarca region

Journalists beaten by demonstrators opposing Yanacocha mining company activities in Cajamarca region

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 3 April 2008, several journalists were beaten while covering a protest against the Yanacocha mining company in Porcón Bajo, Cajamarca region, northern Peru. “Panorama Cajamarquino” newspaper journalist Juan Zapata Crisanto, and Radio Líder radio station reporters Hipólito Arroyo Carrera and Antonio Guadaña were struck with sticks by the demonstrators, who also attempted […]

Link to: Protestors destroy radio station’s broadcasting equipment in anger over coverage of municipal dispute

Protestors destroy radio station’s broadcasting equipment in anger over coverage of municipal dispute

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 27 March 2008, residents of Pucarani, near La Paz, set fire to the municipal radio station’s equipment and felled its broadcasting aerial, after bursting violently into the institution’s headquarters and hauling the equipment out to the town’s main square. According to the leaders of the action, members of the local “monitoring committees” […]

Link to: Prosecutor threatens to sue “La Primera” newspaper editor over article on child custody case

Prosecutor threatens to sue “La Primera” newspaper editor over article on child custody case

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 28 March 2008, Robin Hood Ipanaque Hidalgo, editor of the newspaper “La Primera de Huaraz”, was threatened with a lawsuit by prosecutor Juana Liduvina Cabrera Espinoza after the newspaper published an article quoting a woman’s complaint that the prosecutor had acted against the woman’s best interests during the court case concerning the […]

Link to: National press organisation takes complaint about new Constitution to the OAS; problematic broadcasting measure struck down

National press organisation takes complaint about new Constitution to the OAS; problematic broadcasting measure struck down

(IPYS/IFEX) – There were two significant developments regarding legal threats to press freedom in the third week of March 2008. A national press organisation protested to the OAS about a problematic article in the new Constitution, and widespread opposition to a problematic measure by the broadcasting regulator led to the measure’s revocation. On 15 March […]

Link to: Santiago-based television station receives call criticising coverage, warning of a bomb

Santiago-based television station receives call criticising coverage, warning of a bomb

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 19 March 2008, security staff of the television channel Chilevisión received an anonymous telephone call warning them that a bomb had been placed on the station’s premises. A special operations unit of the national police was mobilised in response to the call; staff was evacuated and the street was closed off where […]

Link to: National police harass, threaten to sue journalist over article on corruption

National police harass, threaten to sue journalist over article on corruption

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 18 March 2008, Mariela Balbi, a columnist for the “El Comercio” newspaper, reported that on 10 March, the Peruvian National Police (Policía Nacional del Perú, PNP) sent her a notorised letter demanding that she provide proof of an allegation in one of her articles within 72 hours, and threatening legal action if […]