Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: Radio journalist threatened and assaulted in Tingo María following coverage of allegations of governor’s corruption

Radio journalist threatened and assaulted in Tingo María following coverage of allegations of governor’s corruption

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 30 January 2008, journalist Alejandro Rupay, host of Radio FM 98’s programme “La Voz de Oriente”, and correspondent for INFOREGIÓN news agency, reported that he had been attacked and threatened the same day while he was broadcasting his programme live in Tingo María, Huánuco region, central Peru. The perpetrator, Spilis Hermitaño Chuzín, […]

Link to: Court excludes press from hearing of domestic violence case involving judge

Court excludes press from hearing of domestic violence case involving judge

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 25 January 2008, Judge Fernando Valderrama forbade the press access to the rooms in which hearings were to be held in a family violence case. The defendant in the case, Ricardo Blanco, is an appeals court judge for the district of San Miguel in Santiago, the capital. The criminal proceedings code allows, […]

Link to: Radio journalist receives threats after reporting on alleged mismanagement by Nazca mayor’s administration

Radio journalist receives threats after reporting on alleged mismanagement by Nazca mayor’s administration

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 23 January 2008, Cadena Sur Noticias radio station journalist Percy Dueñas Luca reported that since 21 January he has received seven threats on his cell phone. The journalist believes the threats may have been motivated by the accusations he made on 21 January about alleged administrative irregularities in the Nazca municipal council, […]

Link to: Journalist doused by police water cannon while covering Mapuche demonstration in Santiago

Journalist doused by police water cannon while covering Mapuche demonstration in Santiago

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 23 January 2008, free lance reporter Jorge Garretón came under attack while covering a demonstration of the Mapuche indigenous people in the centre of Santiago. A group of carabineros (Chilean state police) directed the strong jet of a water cannon in the journalist’s direction. The liquid caused skin irritation and vomiting. The […]

Link to: National Assembly president accuses media outlets of misreporting, threatens investigation; demonstrators harass television crew

National Assembly president accuses media outlets of misreporting, threatens investigation; demonstrators harass television crew

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 18 January 2008, the president of the National Assembly, representative Cilia Flores, accused television station Globovisión of “informational terrorism” and of undermining the country’s stability. She made the accusation in response to a Globovisión broadcast about the National Assembly’s approval of an agreement supporting President Hugo Chávez’s proposal that the government of […]

Link to: Two women journalists followed, sent death threats after investigating mayor of Chosica

Two women journalists followed, sent death threats after investigating mayor of Chosica

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 14 January 2008, journalists Elizabeth Salinas and Cynthia Flores, who both work for the weekly “Canoeste” which is based in Chosica, a district of Lima, reported having been followed that evening by municipality employee Kenso Merino Luna and another man as they headed for dinner in that Lima district’s main square. They […]

Link to: Acceso restringido a declaraciones juradas de funcionarios del estado problemático, según IPYS

Acceso restringido a declaraciones juradas de funcionarios del estado problemático, según IPYS

(IPYS/IFEX) – El Tribunal Constitucional resolverá próximamente una controversia sobre la publicidad de las declaraciones juradas de los funcionarios estatales que es fundamental para el ejercicio del derecho al acceso a la información pública. Al respecto, tiene al voto un recurso presentado por IPYS contra el ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones. La ley que regula […]

Link to: Mayor’s bodyguard punches, threatens to kill journalist

Mayor’s bodyguard punches, threatens to kill journalist

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 6 January 2008, Josse Salazar Mezarina, bodyguard for Luis Lomparte Monteza, the mayor of the town of Casma, threatened to kill journalist Antonio Azalde, editor of the newspaper “El Guerrero” and punched him in the face. Casma is located in the Ancash region of northwestern Peru. The journalist told IPYS that the […]