Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Articles by Instituto Prensa y Sociedad

Link to: IPYS demanda al Congreso por violar ley  de transparencia y acceso a la información

IPYS demanda al Congreso por violar ley de transparencia y acceso a la información

(IPYS/IFEX) – Lo que sigue es un comunicado de prensa del IPYS, con fecha del 28 de septiembre de 2007: 28 de septiembre de 2007, Día Mundial del derecho al Acceso a la Información EL IPYS DEMANDARÁ AL CONGRESO DE LA REPÚBLICA POR VIOLAR LA LEY DE TRANSPARENCIA Y ACCESO A LA INFORMACIÓN El IPYS […]

Link to: INFORME CÁPSULA: IPYS publica estudio sobre censura y autocensura

INFORME CÁPSULA: IPYS publica estudio sobre censura y autocensura

(IPYS/IFEX) – Lo que sigue es un comunicado de prensa del IPYS, con fecha del 27 de septiembre de 2007: IPYS publica estudio sobre “Censura y Autocensura en Venezuela” Periodistas de diarios y TV reconocen “cierre de fuentes oficiales” como principal obstáculo para informar en Venezuela. IPYS, Caracas – 27 septiembre 2007. Casi uno de […]

Link to: Journalist investigating corruption harassed by public official’s security guard

Journalist investigating corruption harassed by public official’s security guard

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 26 September 2007, the Paraguayan Journalists’ Forum (FOPEP) condemned an act of intimidation directed against “ABC Color” journalist Mabel Rehnfeldt on that same day by a security guard of Víctor Bernal, director of the Itaipú Bi-national (Paraguay – Brazil) Hydroelectric Plant. Rehnfeldt was taking pictures of Bernal’s house from her car, as […]

Link to: Broadcast journalist with oppositional station receives death threat

Broadcast journalist with oppositional station receives death threat

(IPYS/IFEX) – The night of 26 September 2007, unidentified persons left a bag with the message “Motherland, socialism or death for you, Bicha”, outside the house of journalist Berenice Gómez, also known as “La Bicha” (in reference to the name of a programme she hosts). The incident tookplace in the locality of San Antonio de […]

Link to: Community radio journalist in Sabanalarga warned of murder plot against him

Community radio journalist in Sabanalarga warned of murder plot against him

(FLIP/IPYS/IFEX) – On 21 September 2007, journalist Geovanny Álvarez Castro, co-director and host of the programme “La Verdad” on the community-based radio station 101.6 FM in Sabanalarga, Atlántico department, in northern Colombia, was informed by police that an attempt on his life was imminent. According to the information received by Álvarez Castro from Lieutenant José […]

Link to: Social movement leader punches journalist for criticising coca-leaf growers’ strike during interview in Tocache

Social movement leader punches journalist for criticising coca-leaf growers’ strike during interview in Tocache

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 24 September 2007, Radio Concierto journalist Abel Gonzáles Vargas was punched by Edwin Usuriaga Paz, the president of Tocache’s Defense Front (Frente de Defensa de Tocache), an alliance of various social movements in the Tocache area who are supporting the demands of coca-leaf farmers, while the journalist conducted a live interview with […]

Link to: Newspaper’s security guard hurt during attack by demonstrators in Maracaibo, journalist harassed

Newspaper’s security guard hurt during attack by demonstrators in Maracaibo, journalist harassed

(IPYS/IFEX) – On 17 September 2007, a score of demonstrators attacked the headquarters of the newspaper “Panorama” with rocks, bottles and sticks, damaging the building’s front walls and doors. The newspaper is based in the city of Maracaibo, in the state of Zulia, in northern Venezuela. Deputy editor Lolimar Suárez told IPYS that a security […]

Link to: Journalist repeatedly threatened in Soledad following report on corruption

Journalist repeatedly threatened in Soledad following report on corruption

(FLIP/IPYS/IFEX) – Samit Linero, a journalist with the newspaper “Al Día”, reported having been threatened by telephone and harassed, apparently in retaliation for his 18 September 2007 report about a case of alleged corruption. According to Linero, he received the first threatening calls at home on 18 September. He attributed these threats to supporters of […]