Inter American Press Association

Articles by Inter American Press Association

Link to: Legislation invoked to prevent Chilean media from reporting on judicial investigation of murdered senator

Legislation invoked to prevent Chilean media from reporting on judicial investigation of murdered senator

On 16 April 1996, the minister of the Santiago Court of Appeal, judge Alfredo Pfeiffer, issued a prohibition order preventing coverage by the Chilean media of a judicial investigation of the 1991 murder of senator Jaime Guzman Errazuriz. Pfeiffer invoked Article 25 of Law 16.643, regarding the “abuse of publicity” (“Ley sobre Abusos de Publicidad”), […]

Link to: Government withdraws libel and defamation bills

Government withdraws libel and defamation bills

**Updates IFEX alert dated 11 January 1995** On 23 May 1995, the government withdrew two bills introduced by Minister of Justice Rodolfo Barra at the end of 1994. After presidential approval, the bills went to Congress in January. The proposed reforms called for an increase in penalties for libel and defamation, and required newspapers to […]

Link to: Newsprint tax to be debated

Newsprint tax to be debated

A proposal for a new tax on newsprint is contained in a draft bill approved earlier this month by the Constitution and Justice Committee of the lower house of the Brazilian national legislature and is due to be debated by the full Congress shortly. IAPA President Raul Kraiselburd, protesting the measure, said that “making newspapers […]