Articles by Inter American Press Association

Latin American journalism under threat of violence and intimidation
IAPA summarises some of the most recent threats faced by journalists and press workers in the region.

Latin American journalism organisations condemn the violence, injustice and impunity they face
Latin America faces a dire crisis as governments intensify crackdowns on press freedom, silencing voices from Venezuela to Guatemala, and igniting global calls for justice.

Hacking, lawfare and stigmatisation against the Latin American press
Already, three media outlets in recent months have been the target of cyber attacks.

IAPA warns of growing risks to freedom of expression and the press in the Americas
The Inter-American Press Association published the conclusions of their semi-annual meeting, summarizing the most important challenges in terms of Freedom of Expression in the Americas.

IAPA analyses the challenges faced by journalists in exile
In the context of a UNESCO event in Costa Rica, the Inter American Press Association organized a panel discussion to address the growing challenges of journalists forced to work outside of their home countries.

“Voices Claiming Justice” initiative commemorates dozens of journalists murdered in Latin America
“[While] press freedom faces growing challenges in the region, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the defense of freedom of expression and the right of society to be informed” – IAPA

IAPA alarmed by leak of journalists’ personal data in Mexico
The leaked data includes names, emails, phone numbers, addresses, dates of birth, passport numbers, among other personal information of the journalists, as reported by the Mexican press.

IAPA expresses concern about Intelligence Law in The Dominican Republic
Local organizations representing the media and journalists criticised the ambiguity of some articles in the law and warned about possible negative impacts on press freedom, the right to privacy, and professional secrecy.