Inter American Press Association

Articles by Inter American Press Association

Link to: Gun attack on Tacuarembó radio journalist’s daughter; perpetrators swiftly convicted, imprisoned

Gun attack on Tacuarembó radio journalist’s daughter; perpetrators swiftly convicted, imprisoned

(IAPA/IFEX) – The following is an IAPA press release: IAPA welcomes convictions for attacks on journalists in Mexico, Uruguay MIAMI, Florida (April 8, 2008) – The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) today welcomed the conviction in Mexico of the murderers of news photographer Gregorio Rodríguez Hernández, killed in 2004, and court action in Uruguay in […]

Link to: President Colom signs Chapultepec Declaration; government agrees to pass access to public information law

President Colom signs Chapultepec Declaration; government agrees to pass access to public information law

(IAPA/IFEX) – The following is a 2 April 2008 IAPA press release: Guatemala agrees to law on access to public information President Alvaro Colom signs Declaration of Chapultepec GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala (April 2, 2008) – Guatemala’s President Alvaro Colom last night added his signature to the Declaration of Chapultepec, and his government committed itself to […]

Link to: Attacks on journalists and media outlets have intensified, says IAPA

Attacks on journalists and media outlets have intensified, says IAPA

(IAPA/IFEX) – The following is a 30 March 2008 IAPA press release: IAPA issues conclusions on press freedom in the Americas Midyear Meeting notes sharpening attacks on journalists and the media Caracas (March 30, 2008) – The Midyear Meeting of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA), which came to a close today, noted the serious […]

Link to: Sentence reduction for journalists’ murderers concerns IAPA

Sentence reduction for journalists’ murderers concerns IAPA

(IAPA/IFEX) – The following is a 7 March 2008 IAPA press release: MIAMI, Florida (March 7, 2008) – The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) expressed concern today at Nicaragua’s commutation of sentences in the cases of the convicted murderers of journalists María José Bravo and Carlos Guadamuz, a development that it claimed “adds to the […]

Link to: “A Tarde”, “Extra” and their journalists also targets of barrage of lawsuits by evangelical church’s members; IAPA warns of attempt to silence media

“A Tarde”, “Extra” and their journalists also targets of barrage of lawsuits by evangelical church’s members; IAPA warns of attempt to silence media

(IAPA/IFEX) – The following is a 20 February 2008 IAPA press release: IAPA concerned by barrage of lawsuits in Brazil MIAMI, Florida (February 20, 2008) – The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) today expressed concern at an onslaught of lawsuits filed against Brazilian news media, saying it suspected the action could be intended to stop […]

Link to: IAPA concerned over article of draft Constitution calling for media “truthfulness and responsibility”

IAPA concerned over article of draft Constitution calling for media “truthfulness and responsibility”

(IAPA/IFEX) – The following is an 11 February 2008 IAPA press release: IAPA calls for stronger guarantees that Bolivia’s new constitution will safeguard press freedom MIAMI, Florida (February 11, 2008) – The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) today urged that greater guarantees for press freedom be specified in Bolivia’s proposed new Constitution and that a […]

Link to: Presentadora radial Vicky Dávila amenazada en oleada de agresiones contra periodistas

Presentadora radial Vicky Dávila amenazada en oleada de agresiones contra periodistas

(SIP/IFEX) – Lo que sigue es un comunicado de prensa de la SIP, con fecha del 11 de febrero de 2008: SIP condena amenazas contra periodistas colombianos y pide investigación sobre crimen de reportero Miami (11 de febrero de 2008) – La Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa rechazó hoy las amenazas contra periodistas y medios de […]

Link to: Radio news anchorwoman Vicky Dávila threatened amid flood of aggression against journalists

Radio news anchorwoman Vicky Dávila threatened amid flood of aggression against journalists

(IAPA/IFEX) – The following is an 11 February 2008 IAPA press release: IAPA protests threats to Colombian journalists, calls for investigation into reporter’s murder MIAMI, Florida (February 11, 2008) – The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) today expressed alarm at threats made to journalists and news media in Colombia while it condemned the murder of […]