International Press Institute (IPI)

Articles by International Press Institute (IPI)

South Korea: Accessing journalists’ phone records compromises press freedom

In South Korea, some journalists suspect their phone records were accessed in an attempt to discover their sources.

Greece: Investigative reporters face criminal charges

Kostas Vaxevanis faces four criminal charges and up to 20 years in prison for his newspaper’s reporting on the Novartis pharmaceutical scandal. Ioanna Papadakou also faces charges in relation to the Novartis case and the so-called “Lagarde list” of possible tax evaders.

Pressure on Kashmiri journalists intensifies as government intimidation grows

Journalists worry about the state of press freedom after government detains a journalist and shuts down press club.

Media worker killed amidst protests in Kazakhstan

“Journalists across Kazakhstan are currently working in extremely challenging conditions while documenting the unrest. It is vital that the safety of all journalists and media workers is guaranteed and that the freedom of the press is fully respected in the wake of the unrest” – IPI

At least 45 journalists were killed worldwide in 2021

In the last 12 months, the most deadly countries for journalists were Mexico, Afghanistan, India and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Poland: Media freedom groups urge President Duda to veto “Lex-TVN”

IFEX joins media freedom and journalists’ groups in expressing concern over the “Lex-TVN” bill, stressing that it represents a direct attack on the independence of the country’s biggest private broadcaster, U.S-owned TVN, and its news channel TVN24.

Turkey: Court suspends police directive banning recording at protests

The ruling is an important step toward safeguarding media coverage of protests in Turkey, which have recently been marred by cases of police violence.

Myanmar sentences American journalist Danny Fenster to 11 years in prison

Danny Fenster, the managing editor of ‘Frontier Myanmar’, was sentenced to 11 years in prison by a military court for “encouraging dissent against the military, unlawful association and breaking immigration law.” He was arrested in May 2021.