International Press Institute (IPI)

Articles by International Press Institute (IPI)

Car of journalist Shkumbin Kajtazi riddled with bullets in Kosovo

This is the second time in four months that a car belonging to the ‘’ journalist has been targeted by unidentified individuals.

Turkey’s press freedom crisis is worsening

“Turkey’s press freedom crisis is worsening amid growing state capture of media, the lack of independence of regulatory institutions, and a new social media law designed to clamp down on the remaining spaces for free comment.”

Slovenia: News outlet ‘Necenzurirano’ hit with 39 SLAPP lawsuits

“SLAPP cases such as this one threaten independent journalism. It would be a sad irony if Necenzurirano, which in Slovenian means ‘Uncensored’, itself becomes the latest media outlet in Europe to fall victim to censorship by brazen abuse of the law”.

Police violence and press restrictions raise red flags in Bulgaria

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners wrote to Bulgarian leaders to condemn the recent police violence and intimidation against journalists reporting on anti-government protests.

Rights groups raise concerns as Albania looks to push ahead with controversial ‘anti-defamation law’

The proposed amendments could have a chilling effect on the right to freedom of expression online and also restrict Albanian citizens’ right to access to information.

China detains Australian journalist working for Chinese state TV

Australian journalist Cheng Lei, who works as an anchor for the Chinese state broadcaster CGTN, was detained in China amid rising diplomatic tension between Canberra and Beijing.

Fight for justice for Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak must continue

Rights groups express disappointment and frustration after a court convicts one of the hitmen in the Ján Kuciak murder trial but acquits the alleged mastermind and intermediary.

Slovenia: A swift downturn in press and media freedom

In the last 6 months, Prime Minister Janez Janša – who took office in March 2020 and previously governed the country on two prior occasions – has renewed long-standing grievances with the press and denigrated critical media outlets.