International Press Institute (IPI)

Articles by International Press Institute (IPI)

Link to: IPI warns against journalists advertising products and services

IPI warns against journalists advertising products and services

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is an IPI press release: IPI warns against journalists advertising products and services The International Press Institute, the global network of editors and media executives, is deeply concerned by the growing tendency in Turkey and elsewhere of prominent journalists endorsing products and services in return for remuneration. This practice is susceptible […]

Link to: IPI concerned by proposed code of conduct for journalists

IPI concerned by proposed code of conduct for journalists

(IPI/IFEX) – IPI is deeply concerned by an announcement Minister of Information Chen Chimutengwende made in Parliament on 19 May indicating his intention to draw up legislation establishing a code of conduct for all journalists and imposing unspecified sanctions on any who defy it. The minister allegedly reported to the Parliament that his officials were […]

Link to: IPI condemns murder of journalist

IPI condemns murder of journalist

(IPI/IFEX) – IPI is strongly condemning the brutal killing of a radio journalist in northern Peru. **Updates IFEX alert of 8 June 1999. No hay version en español disponible de esta alerta** According to IPI’s sources, Félix Haro Rodríguez, a photographer and host of a programme broadcast on Radio 1160’s affiliate in Aucayacu, district of […]

Link to: Journalist jailed

Journalist jailed

(IPI/IFEX) – IPI, meeting at its World Congress and 48th General Assembly in Taipei, Taiwan from 16 to 19 May 1999, is strongly condemning the jailing of Turkish journalist Oral Calislar. **Updates IFEX alert of 24 July 1998** Calislar, a columnist for the daily “Cumhuriyet”, was convicted under the Anti-Terror Law in the Istanbul State […]

Link to: IPI opposes draft Inter American Declaration on Freedom of Expression

IPI opposes draft Inter American Declaration on Freedom of Expression

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is an 18 May 1999 IPI press release: Taipei, 18 May 1999 The International Press Institute (IPI), meeting in Taipei, Taiwan, for its World Congress and 48th General Assembly (16-19 May), supports the Inter American Press Association’s opposition to the draft Inter American Declaration on Freedom of Expression, prepared by the […]

Link to: Ethiopian journalists win IPI Free Media Pioneer Award

Ethiopian journalists win IPI Free Media Pioneer Award

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is an IPI press release: Press Release (For immediate release) 19 May 1999 IPI World Congress and 48th General Assembly Ethiopian journalists win IPI Free Media Pioneer Award The Ethiopian Free Press Journalists’ Association (EFJA) was awarded the International Press Institute’s annual Free Media Pioneer Award today in Taipei in recognition […]

Link to: Growing media repression and self-restraint in China

Growing media repression and self-restraint in China

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is an IPI press release: On the eve of the International Press Institute’s World Congress in Taiwan, the IPI is launching a detailed report illustrating the deteriorating governmental respect for freedom of expression in China. Growing Media Repression and Self-Restraint in China Approaching three highly sensitive anniversaries – 40 years of […]

Link to: Journalist indicted

Journalist indicted

(IPI/IFEX) – IPI is strongly condemning the indictment of journalist Orlanda Obad, from the daily “Jutarni List”, along with four bank employees. IPI has been informed that a Zagreb public prosecutor indicted Obad and four Zagrebacka Banka employees on 7 May 1999 for revealing and publishing details of President Franjo Tudjman’s wife’s bank accounts. According […]