International Press Institute (IPI)

Articles by International Press Institute (IPI)

Twelve years: No justice for Mexican journalist Regina Martínez

April 28 marks 12 years since Mexican investigative journalist Regina Martínez Pérez was beaten and strangled to death in her home. Authorities have failed to credibly solve the murder. The IPI global network calls for justice.

MFC member states urged to take meaningful action for journalist safety in Gaza

IFEX joins rights groups calling on the Media Freedom Coalition to protect Gaza’s journalists, ensure access to information, and investigate killings.

Call for withdrawal of Slovakia’s repressive broadcast law

Journalists and media freedom groups call for the urgent withdrawal of a proposed legislation allowing political control over public-service media in Slovakia.

Spain: Journalist hit with criminal charges for covering judicial corruption

Based on a complaint filed by an imprisoned former judge, the charges against journalist Carlos Sosa include harassment, incitement to hatred, and revelation of secrets.

New surge of DDoS attacks threatens media freedom in Europe

The recent surge in DDoS attacks on media outlets in Hungary, Bosnia, Malta, and Ukraine disrupts the free flow of information and obstructs the public’s access to independent journalism.

IPI calls on Malaysia to reverse conviction of investigative journalist Clare Rewcastle Brown

The journalist called the conviction an act of “political revenge” for her investigative work, which uncovered a major corruption scandal in Malaysia.

New report on safety crisis facing environmental journalists

“Journalists who cover climate and environmental stories are targeted by powerful private and state actors who are willing to go to great lengths to protect their lucrative interests linked to environmentally harmful activities” – IPI

Jordan: Authorities must investigate Pegasus surveillance of journalists

“These disturbing findings reveal that spyware continues to be weaponized against journalists and civil society.” — IPI