International Press Institute (IPI)

Articles by International Press Institute (IPI)


IPI launches FreeTurkeyJournalists website

IPI unveiled a new website to serve as a resource for information on the more than 150 journalists and media workers currently behind bars in Turkey.

Link to: OSCE must act quickly to fill media freedom role

OSCE must act quickly to fill media freedom role

The current mandate holder, Ms Dunja Mijatović, is due to leave the Office of OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media in a month’s time. And yet, to date, there has been no announcement of her successor.

People pose around a poster of journalists Nadhir Ktari (L, in poster) and Sofiane Chourabi, who went missing in Libya in September, during a demonstration over their disappearance, in Tunis January 9, 2015, REUTERS/Anis Mili

Tunisian journalists missing in Libya reported killed

A Libyan detainee believed to be a member of the group said in an interview aired on Saturday on private channel Libya Al-Hadath that he had witnessed the execution of Sofiène Chourabi and Nadhir Ktari in the eastern port city of Derna in 2015.

People pose around a poster of journalists Nadhir Ktari (L, in poster) and Sofiane Chourabi, who went missing in Libya in September, during a demonstration over their disappearance, in Tunis January 9, 2015, REUTERS/Anis Mili

Tunisian journalists missing in Libya reported killed

A Libyan detainee believed to be a member of the group said in an interview aired on Saturday on private channel Libya Al-Hadath that he had witnessed the execution of Sofiène Chourabi and Nadhir Ktari in the eastern port city of Derna in 2015.

Link to: Third journalist killed in India’s Bihar in eight months

Third journalist killed in India’s Bihar in eight months

The third murder of a journalist in the last eight months in India’s eastern Bihar state illustrates the danger of allowing such crimes to continue to be met with impunity, IPI said.

West Papuan protesters wear headbands with the banned "Morning Star" flag during a rally calling for the remote region's independence, in Jakarta, 1 December 2016, AP Photo/Dita Alangkara

Indonesia urged to address press freedom violations in West Papua

Just five months before Indonesia is set to host UNESCO’s 2017 celebration of World Press Freedom Day, its government still has not met a regional human rights watchdog’s demands to address press freedom violations in the country’s restive West Papua province.

Demonstrators in Turkey mark International Human Rights Day 10 December 2016 in the town of Silivri after police blocked them from delivering a statement outside the entrance to a prison in which journalists are currently held., IPI

Turkey blocks Human Rights Day protest

Turkish authorities sealed off roads leading to a prison in order to stop a protest commemorating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Demonstrators in Turkey mark International Human Rights Day 10 December 2016 in the town of Silivri after police blocked them from delivering a statement outside the entrance to a prison in which journalists are currently held., IPI

Turkey blocks Human Rights Day protest

Turkish authorities sealed off roads leading to a prison in order to stop a protest commemorating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.