International Press Institute (IPI)

Articles by International Press Institute (IPI)

Link to: Egyptian journalists prosecuted over criticism of Morsi

Egyptian journalists prosecuted over criticism of Morsi

Egypt’s abuse of the country’s laws to intimidate journalists is apparent after two reporters known for their criticism of President Mohamed Morsi’s government were ordered to stand “expedited” criminal trials.

Link to: U.S. state senate votes to make gun permit reports illegal

U.S. state senate votes to make gun permit reports illegal

Louisiana’s Senate has voted in favour of a bill which would make it illegal for journalists to report on concealed handgun permits in Louisiana under a proposed law that appears headed to the state’s governor for signing.

Women protesting torture in Bahrain at a demonstration in the US in 2010., BCHR

Joint appeal to U.N. protests torture of detained rights defenders in Bahrain

Over 50 NGOs worldwide signed a joint appeal to the U.N. against the ill-treatment and torture of detained human rights defenders, activists and photojournalists in Bahrain, calling for U.N. and Red Cross visits.

Journalists film a demonstration in Gaza city on 17 February 2013, Kjetil Haanes/IPI

Restrictions on movement are biggest hurdle for journalists in Israel, Palestine

In a report released by IPI, the lack of free movement for journalists emerges as the single greatest challenge to local reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Link to: Outrage over U.S. investigation of journalist’s private communications

Outrage over U.S. investigation of journalist’s private communications

The U.S. government has searched a Fox News reporter’s private communications on the ground that his use of flattery to obtain information from a State Department source made him a co-conspirator to espionage.

Link to: Danish lawmakers urged to withdraw changes to public information law

Danish lawmakers urged to withdraw changes to public information law

According to the International Press Institute, part of a revision of Denmark’s public information law would “prevent journalists from giving voters the information they need to ensure that laws and government policies are based on sound information, and to hold ministers, members of parliament and government officials accountable”.

Link to: Female Libyan journalist attacked in Benghazi by group of armed men

Female Libyan journalist attacked in Benghazi by group of armed men

On 4 May, a group of armed men attacked Mabruka Almesmari, a female freelance photojournalist, during a peaceful protest in Benghazi against the sieges of government ministries in Tripoli and the pressure by certain groups to pass a Political Isolation Law that would purge former officials of Muammar Gaddafi’s ousted regime.

Link to: Passage of Mexican legislation to combat impunity

Passage of Mexican legislation to combat impunity

The International Press Institute and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers welcome the passage of seminal legislation in Mexico designed to combat the almost complete impunity in cases of crimes committed against the country’s journalists.