International Publishers Association (IPA)

Articles by International Publishers Association (IPA)

Link to: International copyright treaty to improve access for visually impaired persons

International copyright treaty to improve access for visually impaired persons

In June 2013, the World Intellectual Property Organization will negotiate an international copyright treaty to improve access to books for persons who are blind or have other print disabilities. The International Publishers Association supports this objective.

Link to: Submissions to UN address free expression restrictions in Nigeria, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia

Submissions to UN address free expression restrictions in Nigeria, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia

In submissions to the UN Human Rights Council, the International Publishers Association recommended ways to support the governments of Nigeria, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia to improve their records on freedom of expression.

Tunisian writer Naziha Rjiba (pictured here in January) has received death threats., Naziha Rjiba/Facebook.

Death threats and attacks on freedom of expression intensify in Tunisia

Death threats, physical attacks, an emergence of hate speech and accusations of official censorship of critical media have escalated the perilous situation for freedom of expression in Tunisia, say over 20 IFEX members.

Oussame Boujeile (pictured) and Chaine Bilrish face prison for their political graffiti.

Fully guarantee media independence in new Tunisian Constitution, says IFEX-TMG

While welcoming moves to implement measures that guarantee media independence, IFEX-TMG calls on the Tunisian government to fully respect free expression in the new Constitution and put an end to attacks on journalists and artists.

Tunisian media workers striking outside SNJT, Salma Mahfoudh/IMS

IFEX-TMG calls on Tunisia to guarantee media independence

IFEX-TMG supports media strike in Tunisia on 17 October to protest media appointments and the failure to guarantee media freedom in the draft Constitution.

Kamel Labidi (centre left) speaks at Tunisia's UPR at the UN in Geneva., IFEX-TMG

Tunisia should accept all UN recommendations on free expression, says IFEX-TMG

While welcoming Tunisia’s acceptance of 110 of its 125 recommendations during a UN review last week, the IFEX-TMG calls on the country to implement them without delay and end the criminalisation of defamation.

A hundred Tunisian journalists gathered on 22 August in the Kasbah, Tunis to criticising appointments in the public media., El Watan

Old-style repression threatens free expression in new Tunisia, says IFEX-TMG

IFEX Tunisia Monitoring Group protests government appointments at media outlets, as well as mounting attacks on journalists, writers and artists.

IFEX-TMG presents its report "Spring into Winter" to Tunisia's Constituent Assembly in July 2012

Proposed media council undemocratic, says IFEX Tunisia Monitoring Group

As Tunisia’s Constituent Assembly prepares to review a draft Constitution, the IFEX-TMG expresses its concern about a draft proposal to regulate the media, as well as prison sentences for religious reasons.