IPS Communication Foundation – Bianet

Articles by IPS Communication Foundation – Bianet

Link to: Union representative on trial over article using Kurdish alphabet; Kurdish leader condemns those expressing opinions contradicting PKK line

Union representative on trial over article using Kurdish alphabet; Kurdish leader condemns those expressing opinions contradicting PKK line

(BIANET/IFEX) – In two separate cases, free expression is being suppressed in relation to Kurdish language, culture and politics. In one case, this suppression is the result of actions by Turkish authorities, in the other, of actions by a Kurdish political leader. Kiyasettin Aslan, a trade union representative based in Kilis, in southeastern Turkey, is […]

Link to: Editor facing criminal charges over article on politician after being ordered to pay compensation in civil suit

Editor facing criminal charges over article on politician after being ordered to pay compensation in civil suit

(BIANET/IFEX) – A civil court has ruled that a website editor’s article about a politician, published in a newspaper, was insulting and has ordered him to pay compensation. The editor is also now facing criminal charges that may net him three years in prison if convicted. Yalcin Ergündogan, the editor-in-chief of the sesonline.net website, wrote […]

Link to: Journalists, politicians in court for referring to army’s alleged use of chemical weapons against PKK

Journalists, politicians in court for referring to army’s alleged use of chemical weapons against PKK

(BIANET/IFEX) – Trials of journalists and politicians for violations of the Turkish criminal code’s controversial Article 301 are continuing, despite government assurances to the European Union (EU) that the article will be significantly modified or abolished. Dutch member of the European Parliament Joost Lagendijk, chair of the EU Joint Parliamentary Committee with Turkey, recently stated […]

Link to: Investigation into murders of publishing house employees overly focused on victims’ “missionary activities”

Investigation into murders of publishing house employees overly focused on victims’ “missionary activities”

(BIANET/IFEX) – The trial concerning the murder of three men working for Zirve Publications starts on 23 November 2007. Of the 32 investigation files, only eight are about the murders, while the rest relate to “missionary activities”. On 18 April, Tilman Ekkhart Geske, Necati Aydin and Ugur Yüksel were murdered in their office in Malatya. […]

Link to: Activist-lawyer receives criminal conviction over references to “Kurdistan”

Activist-lawyer receives criminal conviction over references to “Kurdistan”

(BIANET/IFEX) – On 16 October 2007, the Penal Court in Viransehir, in the province of Sanliurfa in southeastern Turkey, convicted human rights activist and lawyer Eren Keskin to one year in prison for saying: “If we look at the state statistics on perpetrators of sexual violence in Turkey and Kurdistan, then soldiers are in the […]

Link to: Journalist faces possible imprisonment in “confidentiality of sources” case

Journalist faces possible imprisonment in “confidentiality of sources” case

(BIANET/IFEX) – The prosecution in Beytüþþebap, in Sirnak province of southeastern Turkey, has charged Emin Bal for not informing legal authorities when people shouted “criminal” slogans at the funeral of a Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighter he was filming. The charge has been justified citing Article 278 of the Penal Code, which says that “a […]

Link to: Mother, supporters of killed student leader acquitted of “praising crime” through battle cry at graveside memorial

Mother, supporters of killed student leader acquitted of “praising crime” through battle cry at graveside memorial

(BIANET/IFEX) – Thirty years ago, Ertugrul Karakaya, a leader of the Student Representative Council at the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) in Ankara, was shot dead by gendarmerie on the university campus. Last year, his 73-year-old mother, Ayse Karakya, and 19 other people attending a memorial at his graveside in Salihli were charged with “praising […]

Link to: Prosecutor drops criminal charges against journalist who wrote about soldiers’ dissatisfaction

Prosecutor drops criminal charges against journalist who wrote about soldiers’ dissatisfaction

(BIANET/IFEX) – Following a complaint of the General Staff, “Sabah” journalist Umur Talu was investigated for an article in which he had reported on the dissatisfaction of sergeants within the army. Now Istanbul Press Prosecutor Nurten Altinok has decided to drop proceedings against the journalist. In his decision, he said: “(The author) had stated that, […]