IPS Communication Foundation – Bianet

Articles by IPS Communication Foundation – Bianet

Link to: Journalist faces criminal charges over article on soldiers’ complaints

Journalist faces criminal charges over article on soldiers’ complaints

(BIANET/IFEX) – The General Staff of the Turkish military has filed a criminal complaint against journalist Umur Talu of “Sabah” newspaper for “acting in an insulting and derisive manner aimed at undermining relations between junior and senior officers and destroying trust in superiors or commanders”. The complaint is based on an article by Talu published […]

Link to: Journalist on trial for allegedly insulting mayor, other officials, in satirical newspaper article

Journalist on trial for allegedly insulting mayor, other officials, in satirical newspaper article

(BIANET/IFEX) – Yakup Önal, of the local newspaper “Sarköy’ün Sesi” (“The Voice of Sarköy”) in Sarköy, Tekirdag province, is on trial for allegedly “insulting” the Justice and Development Party (AKP) mayor and two members of the municipal council. The prosecution has demanded 10 years’ imprisonment for Önal for insulting Mayor Can Gürsoy and municipal council […]

Link to: Journalist convicted of “insulting” lawyer, faces possible imprisonment and compensation fees

Journalist convicted of “insulting” lawyer, faces possible imprisonment and compensation fees

(BIANET/IFEX) – Journalist Ayse Önal of the “Star” newspaper has been sentenced to three months imprisonment and payment of compensation to Kemal Kerincsiz, a lawyer with of the Great Lawyer’s Union, after he filed a suit against her. Her imprisonment has been converted into a fine. Önal has been sentenced to paying Kerincsiz compensation by […]

Link to: Three human rights activists receive prison sentences for criticising military operation, prison conditions

Three human rights activists receive prison sentences for criticising military operation, prison conditions

(BIANET/IFEX) – Three human rights activists of the Adana branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD) have been sentenced to two years and eight months’ imprisonment for criticising the “Return to Life” military operations of December 2000 and the prison conditions of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. The IHD’s Istanbul branch has denounced the ruling. The […]

Link to: Historian receives death threat, is harassed by newspaper, for questioning official history

Historian receives death threat, is harassed by newspaper, for questioning official history

(BIANET/IFEX) – Prof. Dr. Taner Akcam of the history department at Minnesota University, who has consistently described in his work the events of 1915 a “genocide”, fears for his life since receiving death threats over e-mail. Researching the source of the threats, Akcam has found a person with the assumed name “Holdwater”. The “Hürriyet” newspaper […]

Link to: Supreme Court affirms earlier court decision to drop case against writer Orhan Pamuk for “degrading Turkishness”

Supreme Court affirms earlier court decision to drop case against writer Orhan Pamuk for “degrading Turkishness”

(BIANET/IFEX) – The Supreme Court of Appeals has affirmed the decision of the Sisli 2nd Penal Court to drop the case against writer Orhan Pamuk. Pamuk was prosecuted at the Sisli 2nd Penal Court for “degrading Turkishness” (Article 301), over an interview given to the Swiss weekly “Das Magazin” in February 2005, in which he […]

Link to: Two journalists investigated under Article 301

Two journalists investigated under Article 301

(BIANET/IFEX) – Article 301 continues to haunt journalists in Turkey. Two “Radikal” newspaper journalists, Perihan Magden and Yildirim Türker, are under investigation for “degrading the state’s armed forces”. On 29 June 2007, prosecutor Ali Cakir in Bagcilar, Istanbul, who had conducted an investigation of Magden for an article entitled “State, you are painted all over […]

Link to: Student arrested, detained over threatening e-mail to “Agos” newspaper; threats continue

Student arrested, detained over threatening e-mail to “Agos” newspaper; threats continue

(BIANET/IFEX) – Aris Nalci, news director of the “Agos” weekly newspaper, said although there has been a drop in e-mail threats received by the newspaper, the threats are still continuing. In a recent case, a student identified only as R.D., who is in his last year of high school, has been arrested for sending a […]