Journaliste en danger (JED)

Articles by Journaliste en danger (JED)

Link to: Congolese journalist released after 48-hour police detention

Congolese journalist released after 48-hour police detention

François Kiyana was detained by police in Shabunda on orders from the local administration. The radio journalist was accused of being late in reading a press release, written by local authorities, on-air.

Global coalition stands against unchecked surveillance

People are encouraged to join around 200 organisations supporting the adoption of 13 basic principles applying existing human rights law to modern digital surveillance.

Somalia's Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon Saaid (L) and President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (R) at an event in Mogadishu July 2013., REUTERS/Feisal Omar

35 IFEX members call for amendments to Somalia’s draft media law

IFEX members issued a joint call for amendments to a deeply-flawed draft media law in Somalia before it goes to parliament for approval in August.

Link to: Rights organisations call on National Assembly to amend Tunisia’s draft constitution

Rights organisations call on National Assembly to amend Tunisia’s draft constitution

Eighteen human rights organisations came together to support an open letter addressed by the Civil Coalition for the Defence of Freedom of Expression to the Chairman and members of the National Constituent Assembly in Tunisia, as they prepare to discuss the final draft of the constitution.

Police arrested HRNJ-Uganda's National Coordinator, Geoffrey Wokulira Ssebaggala, during protests about media closures in Uganda on 28 May., HRNJ-Uganda

IFEX members protest police attacks on journalists

IFEX members sent a joint letter to President Museveni calling for an end to impunity in cases of police violence against the media, after a violent crackdown on a demonstration in May over media closures.

Link to: Late licence fees lead to closure of private stations in DRC

Late licence fees lead to closure of private stations in DRC

Nine private radio and television stations have been closed in the Democratic Republic of Congo for failing to pay their annual licence fees of approximately US $24,000 each.

Link to: Congolese journalist fined, jailed for criticising firm

Congolese journalist fined, jailed for criticising firm

Joachim Diana faces six months in jail and a fine of US $20,000 for writing an article that criticizes a Chinese business in Kinshasa.

Link to: Politician has Congolese journalists jailed over defamation claim

Politician has Congolese journalists jailed over defamation claim

Prosecutors in Bandundu province have jailed Dadou Etiom and Guy Ngiaba after provincial assembly president Boniface Ntwa accused the two journalists of “detrimental allegations.”