Articles by Journaliste en danger (JED)

Journalist evacuated from city after receiving serious death threats
Kananga-based journalist Michel Tshiyoyo was evacuated after receiving multiple anonymous death threats.

Journalist released provisionally after three days in prison
Thierry Ndayishimiye is accused of “defamation” relating to the director general of the national electricity company.

Editor arrested and detained on “defamation” charges
Thierry Ndayishimiye denounced the alleged embezzlement in the country’s national water and electricity company.

Three opposition radio and television stations silenced for 48 hours
The signals of Canal Congo Télévision (CCTV), Canal Kin Télévision (CKTV) and Radio Liberté Kinshasa (RALIK) were cut suddenly on the night of 26 July 2010.

Journalist detained for 48 hours over critical article
JED supports the request for the release of editor Pascal Mulunda.

IFEX-TMG appeals to Tunisia’s partners to save the life of ailing journalist in prison
The IFEX-TMG strongly condemns the 15 July arrest of journalist Fahem Boukaddous, who is in poor health, and calls on Tunisia’s partners to speak out to help save his life.

IFEX-TMG condemns jail term handed to journalist Fahem Boukaddous
The IFEX-TMG urges authorities to end to the “shameful use of the judiciary to stifle free expression and punish critical journalists” follow ing confirmation of a four-year sentence for Fahem Boukaddous.

JED urges authorities to launch independent investigation following assassination of its correspondent
JED notes that Rugambage and his newspaper had been harassed by the authorities for several months.