Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA)

Articles by Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA)

In this photo taken on 22 January 2015, police arrest a man suspected of looting a store in Soweto, South Africa., AP Photo

South Africa: Two journalists mistreated during riots in Soweto

Two journalists were mistreated in separate incidents in the Soweto area of Johannesburg. Three people have been killed since the violent unrest began last week, after a foreign business owner shot a 14-year-old boy accused of trying to rob a shop.

Vanderbijl Park refinery photographed in 2007, © John Hogg/World Bank/Flickr. Creative Commons license

Environmental groups score big win in access to information case

The Centre for Environmental Rights used the country’s Promotion of Access to Information Act to access records from a company accused of dumping illegal hazardous waste.

Media Institute of Southern Africa

In landmark decision, African court rules imprisonment for defamation violates free expression

The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights decision in the case of journalist Issa Lohé Konaté sends a strong message that governments may not use severe criminal penalties to stifle public debate and reporting on matters of public interest.

Link to: Mozambique fourth southern African country to adopt access to info law

Mozambique fourth southern African country to adopt access to info law

Mozambique’s access to information bill seeks to create greater transparency and generate public participation. However, it has also been the subject of some criticism with respect to whether it adequately enforces the right in all its dimensions.

Namibian president Hifikepunye Pohamba and First lady Penehupifo Pohamba arrive at the Sam Nujoma Stadium in Windhoek, Namibia for an election rally, 22 November 2014, AP Photo/Joseph Nekaya, Namibian Press Association

Political parties, security forces must uphold journalists’ safety during election period

“The safety Namibian journalists enjoyed is waning, and those committed to democracy, media freedom, access to information and freedom of expression need to join our call for the safety of journalists,” MISA Namibia’s national director Natasha Tibinyane says.

Link to: Zimbabwe’s first lady lashes out at privately-owned media

Zimbabwe’s first lady lashes out at privately-owned media

MISA-Zimbabwe notes with very grave concern recent attacks and threats against the privately owned media, by Zanu PF and government officials, including the First Lady Grace Mugabe.

A voter casts her ballot at a polling station in Gaberone,  Botswana, 24 October 2014, AP Photo

Botswana: Access to information, balanced coverage essential for fair, credible elections

The Media Institute of Southern Africa recently observed the conduct of the media and electoral bodies during Botswana’s 2014 parliamentary and local government elections, held on 24 October 2014. The mission found that the media performed well, though there could be improvements.

Unza Radio/Facebook

Youth minister threatens to dismiss University of Zambia radio staff

Youth and Sport Minister Chishimba Kambwili has threatened to dismiss reporters at UNZA Radio, and has accused them of being sponsored by his enemies.