Articles by Mizzima News

‘Blue Shirt Day’ as Burma remembers political prisoners
Dozens of political prisoners reportedly remain in jail

Burma student protesters expelled for demanding larger education budget
This is the first case involving a student protest under the government headed by Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

Immediate action needed to end attacks on democracy in Cambodia
IFEX members join 55 NGOs in an open call to the international community to reconvene the Paris Peace Conference in light of its 26th anniversary and worsening attacks on democracy in Cambodia.

Pressure mounts on Cambodia a year after Kem Ley’s killing
On the one-year anniversary of the death of popular Cambodian activist Kem Ley, civil society organisations from around the world reiterated their call for an independent inquiry.

Signature campaign launched for release of journalists in Burma
A signature campaign was launched on 30 June 2017 for the immediate release of all Burmese journalists who were arrested and charged under section 66(d) of the Telecommunications Law.

Planning for the future of media development in Burma
It is important that a comprehensive media policy articulates a long-term vision for a vibrant, independent and accountable media in Burma.

Deep concern over arrests of Eleven Media Group members
Mizzima Media Group is deeply concerned about the arrest and charging of Dr Than Htut Aung, CEO of the Eleven Media Group, and Wai Phyo, chief editor of Eleven Media Group.

Burma’s glass ceiling
Why are the few women in Burma holding high media positions always found in English-language outlets?