Articles by PEN Norway

Journalist attacked in Turkish newspaper
(NFFE/IFEX) – The following is an NFFE press release: Oslo, 2 August 2000 NFFE disturbed by accusation against the Kurdish journalist Roni Alasor Norwegian Forum for Freedom of Expression (NFFE) is greatly disturbed by the content of the article “Kürtcülerin Kibris ihaneti”, written by the columnist Emin Cölasan in the Turkish daily Hürriyet, on 21 […]

Norwegian authorities take weak attitude towards human rights in Turkey
(NFFE/IFEX) – The following is an 8 June 2000 NFFE press release: Norwegian authorities take weak attitude towards human rights in Turkey The Norwegian Forum for Freedom of Expression (NFFE), The Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Norwegian Council of Religious and Humanist Communities regret the fact that the Norwegian government and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg did […]

Kurdish writer Mehmed Uzun’s books confiscated by police
Through the Norwegian P.E.N. Centre, the Norwegian branch of International P.E.N., NFFE, Oslo, has received information that, on Thursday 30 March 2000, Turkish police patrols confiscated the books of internationally known and highly respected novelist and essayist Mehmed Uzun from bookstores in Ankara, Diyarbakir and other Turkish cities. Neither Uzun himself, nor his lawyer or […]

Independent libraries harassed
(NFFE/IFEX) – NFFE is deeply concerned by the situation for “Bibliotecas Independientes” in Cuba which clearly violates the basic human right of intellectual freedom. Cuban citizens have formed eighteen libraries, named “Bibliotecas Independientes”, throughout Cuba to “grant access to books, magazines, documents and other publications to which there is no access in state institutions”, and […]

NFFE responds to proposed constitutional amendments on freedom of expression
(NFFE/IFEX) – The following is an NFFE press release: PRESS RELEASE The Norwegian Forum for Freedom of Expression (NFFE) praises the work of the Norwegian Governmental Commission on Freedom of Expression, appointed by Royal Decree of 23 August 1996, who put forward its proposed amendments to Article 100 of the Norwegian Constitution yesterday. However, NFFE […]

IFEX members sign on to NFFE statement on press freedom and democracy in Iran
(NFFE/IFEX) – The following is a joint action signed by IFEX members on the state of press freedom and democracy in Iran: Democracy takes a step back through recent statements by President Khatami The United States has lifted its economic sanctions on Iran. The ongoing social and economic developments in Iran, enhanced and applauded by […]