Articles by OpenMedia

Minister Bains just undermined Canada’s best chance for affordable Internet
The government’s August 15 decision sided with Big Telecom over Canadians, and we’re already seeing Internet bills going up.

What’s wrong with a Streaming Tax? (an FAQ)
Common questions and answers on the streaming tax – AKA the Netflix Tax.

Facial recognition technology is one of the most racist weapons in the police arsenal
So long as the police are using it, surveillance tech like facial recognition is helping to power systemic racism.

11 things Canada should do now to close the Digital Divide for good
Open Media calls on the Canadian government to bridge the vital gap in Internet access as quickly and permanently as possible, and to protect our fundamental rights & freedoms as they weigh technologies to address the pandemic.

National coalition calls for universal affordable Internet access
COVID-19 highlights the need for governments to act urgently to provide high-speed Internet to every household in Canada.

Canadian government commits to expediting rural broadband development
Access to the internet has been a critical lifeline throughout COVID-19, but many in rural Canada are being left behind.

Data collection, privacy, and COVID-19
How can governments protect privacy if cell phone tracking is used to combat COVID-19?

Canada: Did the new NAFTA sign away our digital future?
As Canada claims victory for salvaging North American free trade, the true cost of capitulating to the United States’ blustering may be too high to warrant celebration.