
Articles by OpenMedia

Open Media

Historic decision aims to give all Canadians access to reliable, world-class Internet

OpenMedia describes the CRTC decision as truly historic. It will be a game-changer for rural and underserved communities across Canada where Internet access is either unavailable or unaffordable, due to a digital divide keeping almost one in five Canadians offline.

AP Photo/Ahmed Gomaa

Egypt’s Draft NGO Law Dismantles Civil Society

We, the undersigned civil society organisations unequivocally condemn the law on civic associations (non-governmental organisations) adopted by Egypt’s Parliament on 15 November 2016. The Parliament has debated and approved the bill in its entirety in record time, and referred it to the State Council for legal review (non-binding on the Parliament in this case). If […]

The Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Wikimedia

Parliament must defend health of Turkish democracy

Over 40 organisations call for Turkey’s national assembly to end the national state of emergency, extended for three months on October 19th.

REUTERS/Francois Lenoir

European Commission wants to tax you for sharing links

Yes, you read that right. Despite opposition from over 120,000 Internet users, civil society groups, academics, tech industry groups and journalists, the EC is charging ahead with its Link Tax plan.

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (R) shakes hands with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang during a meeting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, September 22, 2016., REUTERS/Chris Watte

Canada must prioritise free expression rights in relationship with China

IFEX members call on Prime Minister Trudeau to put human rights, especially free expression and press freedom, at the heart of the Canada-China relationship.

Link to: Searching for a fight

Searching for a fight

OpenMedia takes on a Canadian court decision on Google searches that could impact the way people around the world find their information.