P24 Platform for Independent Journalism

Articles by P24 Platform for Independent Journalism

Turkey: Can Dündar sentenced to 27 years and 6 months in prison because of his journalism

The former editor-in-chief of “Cumhuriyet” daily was on trial over the newspaper’s 2015 coverage of allegations that Turkey sent weapons to insurgents in Syria on trucks operated by the National Intelligence Agency.

Turkey: ECtHR orders immediate release of opposition politician Selahattin Demirtaş

Demirtaş, the former co-chair of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), has been in pre-trial detention since November 2016 on various spurious charges, many terrorism-related. The ECtHR ruled that his detention was politically motivated.

ECtHR rules that pre-trial detention of “Cumhuriyet” staff violated their rights

The European Court of Human Rights ruled that the staff’s rights to liberty and security and freedom of expression had been violated. It ordered Turkey to pay each applicant 1,600 euros in non-pecuniary damages.

Previously jailed journalist Mehmet Altan writes to the ECtHR president ahead of his visit to Turkey

“The people who will be giving you an honorary doctorate are the very people who dismissed me and many other academics”.

Turkey: Thousands of social media users investigated, Kurdish women’s news site blocked

Since January, the authorities have brought legal action against 6,743 social media users for “spreading propaganda for a terrorist organisation, inciting people to hatred and enmity, spreading fear and panic, and sharing false documents and provocative content.”

Turkish parliament passes bill that will curb free speech on social media

“The internet in Turkey is already under tremendous pressure from the government. This latest regulation covers everything the government didn’t previously have the power to restrict…. the purpose here is to intimidate the people, to get them to not log in or criticise or use their freedom of expression”.

Turkish draft social media bill expected to curtail online free expression

Soon to be introduced in the Parliament, the draft law will oblige social network providers to set up offices in Turkey and share user data with the Turkish authorities. The legislation will also likely enable blocking of anonymous social media accounts.

Turkey: Four out of eleven rights defenders convicted in “Büyükada trial”

Taner Kılıç was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months for “membership of a terrorist organization”, while Özlem Dalkıran, İdil Eser and Günal Kurşun were sentenced to 1 year and 13 months for “aiding a terrorist organization”. The remaining seven were acquitted.