Articles by Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF)

Fifty rights groups call on King to free Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, whose life is at risk in prison
Fifty IFEX members and other rights groups call on the Bahrain authorities to release from prison human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, whose life is at risk since beginning a hunger strike on 8 February.

IFJ concerned over announcement of new “monitoring” committee
A government press release stated that anyone found using a mobile phone, e-mail or Facebook to spread information considered “malicious” will be deemed to have committed a crime.

Defamation protections for regime unwelcome, says PFF
The country’s new state proceedings decree grants Fiji’s regime leader and his ministers exemption from defamation suits over anything they may say in public or private.

Twenty-nine IFEX members call for release of independent newspaper editor
Twenty-nine IFEX members have signed a letter to the Prosecutor General about the detention of editor Igor Vinyavsky, whose detention is believed to be politically motivated, calling for him to be released and for the evidence leading to his arrest to be made public.

Soldiers threaten to shoot journalist
PFF is calling for an investigation into the incident and is warning media workers to be vigilant about their safety and their rights.

Recent defamation cases highlight complaints process and ethics
Another defamation suit filed against a PNG media organisation has raised questions on why public complaints are not being taken up with the national media complaints committee.

Regime’s bullying of media continues with contempt case
A “contempt” case was filed against the “Fiji Times” after it published an interview containing comments about the judiciary that offended the attorney general.

Seventy-seven civil society organisations call on UN to recognise importance of access to information and a free media to sustainable development
Prior to the UN summit of world leaders in Rio in June 2012 (Rio+20) to discuss the environment and sustainable development goals, 77 civil society organisations recommend the adoption of national laws on access to information, public participation and access to justice in the environment, a new UN convention on access to environmental information, and a UN Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).