Articles by Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF)

Social media law could chill free speech in Papua New Guinea
Forcing social media users to reveal their identities could endanger activists and remove an essential check on abuse of power in Papua New Guinea.

Pacific action needed against spy net outlined in Snowden documents
Ten Pacific countries are listed in media reports as being targets of spying by New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau, which gives the NSA full access – and control – over the data.

Three women journalists abducted, sexually assaulted in Papua New Guinea
News reports say that a bus dropping off National Broadcasting Corporation staff was taken over by a group of men in Port Moresby. The men ordered the driver and all male staff out and drove off with the three women on board.

Fiji’s historic election: What hope for human rights?
IFEX members express concerns about the political environment in Fiji as the country holds its first election after nearly eight years of military rule.

Regional media condemn police attack on Papua New Guinea camera crew
Two members of a television camera crew were briefly detained and assaulted by police in Papua New Guinea; they had been following up on reports that police had used knives to jab and poke five male youths over land disputes.

Veto the new media law in Timor, says Pacific Freedom Forum
The new media law in Timor-Leste should be vetoed by the country’s President, agrees the Pacific Freedom Forum. The new law risks returning the young country to colonial style repression, it is feared.

Nauru suspends three opposition members for speaking to media
Opposition MPs were suspended in Nauru for criticising the government’s refugee centre and revoking visas for the country’s top judges.

Concern over Fiji TV dismissal, regional coordinator resignation
PFF has noted with concern circumstances around the dismissal of broadcast news veteran Anish Chand from Fiji TV, and the confirmed resignation of Suva-based coordinator Ricardo Morris.