Articles by Pacific Islands News Association (PINA)

Thirty-one IFEX members call on Philippine leadership to champion Freedom of Information Act
IFEX members have joined SEAPA in urging the president to sign the FOI Act into law before the current administration leaves office.

Twenty-three IFEX members denounce censorship and escalating threats to free expression in Ukraine
Research conducted by IMI shows a drastic decline in the state of freedom of expression in Ukraine since President Victor Yanukovych came to power in February 2010.

Twenty-six IFEX members join the Pakistani Federal Union of Journalists in condemning suicide bombings
The organisations appeal to the leaders of the Taliban, to the jihadist movements and to Al-Qaeda in Pakistan to put a stop to all further suicide bombings in public gatherings.

UN Human Rights Council: 40 IFEX members reject “defamation of religions” resolutions
In a joint submission to the UN Human Rights Council, 40 IFEX members protest resolutions on defamation of religion and the proposed elaboration of complementary standards to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Over 30 IFEX members endorse Vienna Declaration calling on governments to respect media freedom in fight against terrorism
IPI plans to use the Vienna Declaration as a tool that can be employed around the world to rally support for freedom of expression and press freedom.

Fifty-two IFEX members condemn massacre of journalists, call for justice
Condemning the problem of impunity in the Philippines, 52 IFEX members appeal for justice in the horrible massacre of a reported 28 journalists.

Thirty-one IFEX members and 24 other organisations condemn harsh crackdown on press freedom
While calling on the Moroccan government to stop the current crackdown against press freedom, 31 IFEX members and others condemn the recent arrests and harassment of journalists and independent press.

Burma Action Group urges UN General Assembly, ASEAN to appeal for release of political prisoners and to call for an end to human rights abuses
The Burma Action Group welcomed the recent prisoners’ release while urging caution in considering this an indicator of an improved human rights situation.