Articles by Pacific Islands News Association (PINA)

Government threatens to introduce bill restricting media freedom
(PINA/IFEX) – The Vanuatu government has warned it will be introducing a bill to curb media freedom in Vanuatu if local media outlets continue to publish biased and unfair opinions on government development policies, reports Radio Vanuatu. The warning came from the country’s ministry of agriculture after the “Independent” newspaper published an editorial opinion against […]

Newspaper stops covering gun-probe inquiry due to media restrictions
(PINA/IFEX) – Samoa’s only daily newspaper, the “Samoa Observer”, has decided to stop covering a Commission of Inquiry into alleged gun smuggling because of media restrictions. The inquiry is looking at the alleged involvement of Samoa’s Police Commissioner and crew members of the police patrol boat MV Nafanua, as well as the Customs office. The […]

Reporter threatened, questioned by police over allegedly “seditious” article
(PINA/IFEX) – On 10 August 2008, Fiji police threatened and tried to force a “Fiji Times” reporter into giving a statement on an article she wrote, reports the “The Fiji Times”. The newspaper said police in the northern town of Labasa had been seeking reporter Serafina Silaitoga since the night of 8 August for a […]

Government proposes new media legislation, denies goal is to control media
(PINA/IFEX) – Fiji’s interim attorney general, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, has denied proposed new legislation is designed to control the nation’s media, reports Radio Australia. Military leader and interim Prime Minister, Commodore Frank Bainimarama, has announced he is preparing major new media legislation. All laws pertaining to freedom, restrictions, professional standards and the Code of Ethics will […]

Commonwealth law ministers consider model whistleblowing legislation; Papua New Guinea justice minister resolves to introduce legislation in his country
(PINA/IFEX) – The following is an excerpt from the 11 July 2008 PACNEWS bulletin: 11 July 2008 EDINBURGH (Pacnews) – Model legislation for whistle blowers has been considered by Commonwealth Law Ministers, as the Commonwealth moves to try and persuade members to put in place anti corruption laws. A discussion paper prepared for the meeting […]

Police prohibit broadcast of television programme, seize master tape
(PINA/IFEX) – A regular Fiji Television programme was pulled off the air on the evening of 22 June 2008, on allegations that it contained “inflammatory” comments, reports the “Fiji Sun”. The Sunday night national television programme “Close-up”, hosted by Anish Chand and pre-recorded the day before, was to feature lawyer Rajendra Chaudhry. Police visited the […]

Newspaper publisher charged with contempt of court for reporting on trial
(PINA/IFEX) – Newspaper publisher John Woods was convicted in the Rarotonga High Court on two charges of contempt of court, reports Cook Island News. Fines amounting to approx. US$60 and court costs were imposed on Woods. The convictions were handed down against the 55-year-old Arorangi resident by Justice of the Peace John Kenning. Both charges […]

Politician denounces gagging of debate in Parliament, prime minister’s threats against media
(PINA/IFEX) – Political leaders have no right to muzzle the media or gag debate in Parliament, Papua New Guinea’s Madang Governor Sir Arnold Amet told the governance symposium at Divine Word University in Madang, reports “The National”. In direct reference to the recent public outcry against constant gagging of debate in Parliament by the Speaker […]