Articles by Pacific Islands News Association (PINA)

Rebels assault photojournalist
(PINA/IFEX) – On 4 July 2000, “The Fiji Sun” photojournalist Sitiveni Moce was attacked and assaulted after going inside Fiji’s rebel-held parliamentary complex for a news conference, local news media reported. “The Fiji Times” said Moce was stopped by a group of rebel supporters who demanded his film and claimed he was taking pictures for […]

Rebels hold local, foreign journalists for two hours, newspapers report
(PINA/IFEX) – On 29 June 2000, Fiji Islands rebels held sixteen local and foreign journalists for two hours, local newspapers reported. The rebels claimed the safety of the news crews could not be guaranteed outside the rebel-held parliamentary complex, “The Fiji Times” reported. The rebels, who launched an attempted coup on 19 May, denied they […]

Independent news media suffer job, pay cuts as crisis enters second month
(PINA/IFEX) – On 16 June 2000, PINA Nius Online reported that Fiji Islands news media continue to fully and freely report on the country’s ongoing coup and hostage crisis, despite growing financial problems. “People in Fiji are hungry for news, but that doesn’t change the fact that media are businesses and, like most businesses in […]

Fiji TV licence threatened by ministry
(PINA/IFEX) – On 11 June 2000, “Fiji’s Sunday Post” reported that Fiji Television Ltd’s operating licence is under threat because a programme is being claimed to have caused a civil disturbance in Suva two weeks earlier. The Fiji government’s telecommunications director Josua Turaganivalu was quoted as saying the licence can be revoked because of the […]

Fiji TV back on air despite mob attack
(PINA/IFEX) – On 30 May 2000, Fiji’s national television service went back on the air, less than 48 hours after being ransacked and put off the air by supporters of attempted coup leader George Speight. The service reopened with its normal 6 p.m. (local time) feature news bulletin. Fiji Television chief executive Ken Clark praised […]

Martial law declared, newspapers delayed, radio stations operate as normal
(PINA/IFEX) – On 30 May 2000, publication of Fiji’s three daily newspapers was delayed following the imposition of martial law and a military curfew. “The Fiji Times”, “Fiji’s Daily Post” and “The Fiji Sun” all said they planned to publish during the day. This following the new military government’s announcement that the curfew would now […]

PINA says foreign misreporting of crisis threatens media freedom
(PINA/IFEX) – On 25 May 2000, PINA warned that misreporting of the so-called “coup” in Fiji by a number of foreign media organisations threatened efforts to promote media freedom in the Pacific Islands. PINA president William Parkinson said: “The irresponsible and destructive nature of some of the foreign coverage leaves us in an extremely difficult […]

Journalist shot, TV station ransacked
(PINA/IFEX) – An international television journalist was shot and wounded and Fiji’s national television service’s station was ransacked and put off the air in growing violence in the Fiji Islands following an attempted coup. On 27 May 2000, Associated Press Television News cameraman Jerry Harmer was shot in the arm as he filmed a confrontation […]