Articles by Pakistan Press Foundation
Thirty-seven IFEX members call attention to the plight of 17 journalists, bloggers and artists who remain detained in Burmese prisons
Even though a new government has been formed in Burma after the elections in November 2010, there is still no guarantee of improvements in the country’s media environment.
Thirty IFEX members sign letter to authorities regarding attacks against journalists
IFEX members condemn the increased attacks and judicial harassment against Somali journalists and media organisations.
Thirty-three IFEX members urge the state to stop all attacks and persecutions against journalists and the media
IFEX members express their concern over the current situation of press freedom in Ecuador and the conditions of extreme hostility in which the country’s journalists and private media must do their work.
Thirty IFEX members protest travel ban on Nabeel Rajab and other threats to BCHR
On 1 June, the King of Bahrain has promised to end the state of emergency he imposed in mid-March to quell pro-democracy demonstrations. This would be a welcome occasion for the Bahraini government to end human rights abuses including lifting the travel ban on Nabeel Rajab so that he can join us in Beirut.
Media regulatory authority warns foreign channels over unauthorised satellite uplinking
According to Pakistani media law, any foreign channel must seek prior permission for temporary uplinking in order to directly air an event or incident from Pakistan.
Tribal journalist killed in bomb blast
It is believed Nasrullah Khan Afridi was targeted because of his investigative reporting on militant organisations in Pakistan’s Tribal region.
Fifty-seven IFEX members and partners call on world authorities to help stop human rights violations and free expression abuses
Forty-two IFEX members and 15 partners appealed for global attention to stop detention, torture and threats to journalists and free expression activists, including to IFEX member Bahrain Centre for Human Rights.
Radio station in Charsadda bombed
Suspected militants blew up parts of the privately-owned radio station FM 93 Dilbar Radio after planting explosives around the building.