Pakistan Press Foundation

Articles by Pakistan Press Foundation

Pakistan: PPF strongly condemns violent attack on senior journalist Ayaz Amir

Pakistan Press Foundation describes the assault against senior journalist Ayaz Amir as a reflection of the shrinking space for free expression in Pakistan.

Pakistan: PEMRA’s prohibition of former prime minister’s interview a dangerous step

Pakistan Press Foundation said a government agency’s order restricting an interview with former Prime minister Imran Khan undermines the public’s right to information.

Pakistan: PPF alarmed by registration of cases against four journalists

Pakistan Press Foundation has expressed concern over a recent trend that involves the filing of cases against journalists who are perceived to be supportive of former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Pakistan: PPF condemns acts of violence against media following Imran Khan’s ouster

Pakistan’s former ruling party, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, is urged to publicly condemn acts of violence being carried out by some of its leaders and members against the media.

Pakistan: PPF welcomes Islamabad High Court’s decision to strike down the PECA ordinance

Pakistan’s Islamabad High Court has “struck down” the Prevention of Electronic Crimes (Amendment) Ordinance, 2022 (PECA) for being “unconstitutional”. The Pakistan Press Foundation has described the ruling as “a major step forward in creating a fair and free environment for the Pakistani media.”

Pakistan: Media groups express concern over removal of ‘News One’ from broadcast

The decision to prematurely take ‘News One’ off the air was criticized by media bodies.

Pakistan Press Foundation welcomes passage of bill for the protection of journalists by the National Assembly

Several media groups, including IFEX member the Pakistan Press Foundation, have collaborated and worked hard to push for this landmark legislation.

Pakistan’s shrinking space for free expression

Pakistan Press Foundation released two reports that underscored the continuing attacks facing journalists in Pakistan. One of the reports also documented increasing online attacks targeting women journalists.