Articles by Pakistan Press Foundation

Six journalists injured in attack on press club
(PPF/IFEX) – About fifty individuals attacked journalists in a rural press club on 14 June 2006, injuring six newsmen. The assailants, many of whom were on a tractor, barged into the press club in Thari Mirwah, a small town located in the Khairpur district of the southern province of Sindh, and started punching, kicking and […]

Two Afghan TV channels banned in Pakistan
(PPF/IFEX) – On 16 March 2006, broadcasting regulatory authorities in Pakistan barred local cable operators from airing two Afghan TV channels because these stations had blamed Pakistani intelligence for a 12 March suicide attack on a senior Afghan political figure in Kabul. Islamabad has rejected allegations of involvement. Press reports quoting officials of the Pakistan […]

Journalist’s home broken into, computer and documents stolen, following threat
(PPF/IFEX) – On 12 March 2006, unknown persons broke into the house of Rasheed Channa, reporter for “The Daily Star”, in Karachi. They took away his computer, data CDs, some personal files, various documents, and some valuables, including Rs 4,000 (approx. US$66) in cash. Channa claimed, however, that this was not a case of simple […]

Journalists restricted entry into Commerce Ministry
(PPF/IFEX) – The Ministry of Commerce of the Government of Pakistan has restricted the entry of media persons into its premises in an attempt to restrict reporting on trade related issues, particularly on the ongoing trade negotiations with foreign countries. According to press reports, the Ministry of Commerce issued a circular on 31 January 2006 […]

Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors rejects amendments to press council legislation
(PPF/IFEX) – The Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors (CPNE) of Pakistan has rejected amendments to the press council legislation proposed by the government. The CPNE said the amendments would change the press council from an independent and voluntary body to a ‘Special Court’ that could be used against the press. The CPNE noted that the […]

Newspaper office attacked by armed men opposed to pro-dam advertisements
(PPF/IFEX) – On 23 December 2005, a group of armed men threw a petrol bomb into the offices of the Sukkur edition of the Sindhi-language daily newspaper “Khabroon,” setting the reception area on fire. The attackers hurled threats at the newspaper staff and fired shots into the air. In a letter, Mr. Imtnan Shahid, the […]

Bomb explodes in journalist’s house
(PPF/IFEX) – A bomb exploded in the house of a journalist in Wana, South Waziristan Agency, in Pakistan at 5:00 a.m. (local time) on 16 December 2005. The area, which borders Afghanistan, is the centre of Pakistani army action against militants. The boundary wall and one room of the house of Dilawar Khan Wazir, correspondent […]

Printing press raided, newspaper’s printing blocked by police
(PPF/IFEX) – Many daily newspapers in Karachi faced delays and problems because the police raided a printing press on 13 December 2005, on suspicion that it was printing a banned publication. The police also stopped one newspaper from being printed in any other printing presses. Citi Press, which prints a number of publications including the […]