Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA)

Articles by Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA)

Link to: Twenty-six IFEX members condemn brutal suicide bombing that killed three journalists

Twenty-six IFEX members condemn brutal suicide bombing that killed three journalists

Calling on the international community to protect Somali citizens, particularly journalists, 26 IFEX members appeal for justice following the 3 December 2009 attack that killed more than 25 people, including three journalists.

Link to: Over 30 IFEX members endorse Vienna Declaration calling on governments to respect media freedom in fight against terrorism

Over 30 IFEX members endorse Vienna Declaration calling on governments to respect media freedom in fight against terrorism

IPI plans to use the Vienna Declaration as a tool that can be employed around the world to rally support for freedom of expression and press freedom.

Link to: Fifty-two IFEX members condemn massacre of journalists, call for justice

Fifty-two IFEX members condemn massacre of journalists, call for justice

Condemning the problem of impunity in the Philippines, 52 IFEX members appeal for justice in the horrible massacre of a reported 28 journalists.

Link to: Forty IFEX members call for the protection of women who exercise free speech

Forty IFEX members call for the protection of women who exercise free speech

Forty IFEX members express solidarity with women who have been the victims of violence for exercising their free expression rights.

Link to: Former Aqsa TV journalists arrested by security forces

Former Aqsa TV journalists arrested by security forces

Salam Fayyad’s government banned Aqsa TV in the West Bank on 16 September 2007.

Link to: Ramattan news agency raided by security forces

Ramattan news agency raided by security forces

Internal security forces raided the agency’s offices in Gaza City and prevented the holding of a press conference.

Link to: Israeli forces assault two photographers in Nablus

Israeli forces assault two photographers in Nablus

Reuters photographer Abdul Rahim Quseini and AFP photographer Arif Tufaha were assaulted by soldiers in the West Bank.

Link to: Violations of media freedoms in Palestine during October 2009

Violations of media freedoms in Palestine during October 2009

(MADA/IFEX) – There have been disturbing violations of media freedoms in the occupied Palestinian territories during October 2009. The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA) monitored many of the Israeli violations against journalists, especially incidents in Jerusalem and Hebron committed by the Israeli occupation forces.