Articles by Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA)

Journalists assaulted while covering protest march
MADA condemned an attack on the media by Jewish settlers.

Violations of media freedoms in Palestine during July 2009
Violations of media freedoms in oPt during July 2009 MADA: a marked reduction of media freedoms violations over the last month

Arrest of journalist runs contrary to Supreme Court decision, says MADA
Freelance journalist Mustafa Sabri has once again been arrested by security services.

Al-Jazeera suspension in West Bank lifted
MADA welcomes the government’s decision to cancel the suspension of the work of Al-Jazeera TV.

Israeli forces detain, harass journalists
MADA condemns the Israeli occupation forces’ detention of Watan local TV crew north of Ramallah City.

MADA report on press freedom violations in June 2009
Please click here to read MADA’s report: Violations of media freedoms in oPt during June 2009

Three journalists arrested in separate incidents
MADA expressed deep concern at the continuing arrests of journalists and writers by the security apparatus in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Journalists and media workers assaulted by occupation forces
MADA condemns the attack on Reuters photographer Nayef Alhishlmon and several Palestinian journalists by the Israeli occupation forces.