PEN America

Articles by PEN America

Link to: Conditions of writer’s release “almost as repressive a form of censorship as a prison term”, says PEN

Conditions of writer’s release “almost as repressive a form of censorship as a prison term”, says PEN

(PEN Canada/PEN/IFEX) – The following is a 16 January 2008 joint PEN Canada and PEN American Center press release: PEN Concerned About Terms of Release of Cyber-Dissident in China: Repression of Writers and Journalists Persists 204 Days before Olympic Games Begin New York, Toronto, January 16, 2008 – After one month in detention, Chinese internet […]

Link to: Two writers detained, dozens under guard as police attempt to prevent gathering

Two writers detained, dozens under guard as police attempt to prevent gathering

(PEN/IFEX) – The following is a 21 December 2007 PEN American Center press release: Chinese Police Preventing Prominent Chinese Writers from Meeting in Beijing: Two Detained, Dozens More Under Guard Throughout City Actions Target Chinese Members of PEN, International Writers Organization, and Other Independent Writers and Supporters Planning Gathering for Saturday Evening Beijing, New York, […]

Link to: Writers demand release of jailed colleagues before Beijing Olympics

Writers demand release of jailed colleagues before Beijing Olympics

(PEN/IFEX) – The following is a 10 December 2007 PEN American Centre press release: 40:242 – Declaring “We Are Ready for Freedom of Expression,” Chinese and International Writers Demand Release of Jailed Colleagues Before Beijing Olympics New York, Washington, Toronto, Beijing, December 10, 2007 – World-renowned writers from China and North America marked International Human […]

Link to: Oslo-based radio station Democratic Voice of Burma wins Norwegian PEN’s Ossietzky Prize for free expression

Oslo-based radio station Democratic Voice of Burma wins Norwegian PEN’s Ossietzky Prize for free expression

(PEN/IFEX) – The following is a 13 November 2007 Norwegian PEN press release: Oslo, 13 November 2007 Democratic Voice of Burma awarded the 2007 Ossietzky prize The board of Norwegian PEN has unanimously decided to award the 2007 Ossietzky Prize to the Oslo-based radio station The Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB). The prize will be […]

Link to: Authorities release Tibetan monk jailed 18 years for publishing literature critical of occupation

Authorities release Tibetan monk jailed 18 years for publishing literature critical of occupation

(PEN/IFEX) – The following is a 29 October 2007 PEN American Center press release: China Releases Tibetan Monk from Prison After 18 Years: Ngawang Phulchung is 4th PEN Honorary Member Released This Year New York, New York, October 29, 2007 – PEN American Center today hailed the release of Ven. Ngawang Phulchung, a senior monk […]

Link to: New legislation protecting reader privacy helps safeguard access to information

New legislation protecting reader privacy helps safeguard access to information

(PEN/IFEX) – The following is a 25 September 2007 PEN American Centre press release: Reader Privacy Advocates Applaud Introduction of NSL Reform Act Washington, DC, September 25, 2007-The Campaign for Reader Privacy, a coalition of organizations representing librarians, booksellers, publishers, and authors, cheered the introduction on 25 September 2007 of legislation to safeguard the privacy […]

Link to: PEN American Center urges rejection of academic boycotts to protect freedom of expression as UK body debates boycott of Israel

PEN American Center urges rejection of academic boycotts to protect freedom of expression as UK body debates boycott of Israel

(PEN/IFEX) – The following is a 22 June 2007 PEN American Center press release: PEN Urges Rejection of Academic Boycotts New York, NY, June 22, 2007 – PEN American Center has released a statement of principle opposing academic and cultural boycotts, saying such actions threaten the internationally guaranteed right to freedom of expression. The statement […]

Link to: Jailed Algerian newspaper publisher, banned Turkmen novelist to receive 2006 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Awards

Jailed Algerian newspaper publisher, banned Turkmen novelist to receive 2006 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Awards

Jailed Algerian Newspaper Publisher, Banned Turkmen Novelist to Receive 2006 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Awards New York, New York, March 29, 2006 – PEN American Center today named Mohammed Benchicou, a newspaper publisher already in prison and facing 50 additional sentences for his newspaper’s independent reporting, and Rakhim Esenov, a novelist, historian, and Radio […]