Articles by PEN Canada
Jordanian proposal threatens to legitimise blasphemy laws around the world
ARTICLE 19 and NGOs around the globe urge the Inter-Parliamentary Union to reject Jordan’s proposed resolution, which could potentially legitimise the use of blasphemy laws by governments everywhere.
NGOs to Bashar al-Assad: Implement your amnesty decree and free Syrian activist Mazen Darwish
The International Press Institute and 23 IFEX members sent a letter to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad calling for the release of lawyer and human rights defender Mazen Darwish ahead of his court hearing on 25 March 2015.
Does the Canadian Security Establishment know too much about Canadians?
With an election coming this year, PEN Canada feels that the time has come for straight talk from all who want the privilege of leading Canadians, on the issue of the government’s cybersurveillance of citizens.
The shock of freedom: Vietnamese blogger’s life after prison
A reflection on Vietnamese blogger Dieu Cay’s time in prison and his freedom, by lawyer and human rights activist Christine Dang.
Canadian civil society groups launch Censorship Tracker mapping tool
Censorship Tracker aims to be an accessible and reliable resource that Canadians can use to gauge restrictions on free speech in Canada.
Hong Kong’s 2017 election and the challenge of democracy to rising China
China’s Congress recently ruled that candidates for Hong Kong’s Chief Executive must be nominated by a committee composed mostly of pro-Beijing individuals, quashing hopes for an open election in 2017. The decision comes after months of protests and a mock referendum in Hong Kong.
Egypt: Dissolution ultimatum for independent groups
Independent organizations in Egypt face a looming crackdown. The government has threatened to enforce a draconian associations law that became law 12 years ago, but has seldom been enforced.
Demand the release of recently sentenced Al Jazeera staff
More than 100 groups and individuals worldwide call on Egyptian President el-Sisi to remove the unjust sentencing of three Al Jazeera journalists.