PEN International

Articles by PEN International

Link to: Prosecutor demands heavier sentence for writer Boban Miletic

Prosecutor demands heavier sentence for writer Boban Miletic

(WiPC/IFEX) – On 14 July 2000, the independent Serbian internet news service, Free B92, reported that the Zajecar municipal prosecutor has appealed against the five-month prison sentence served upon writer Boban Miletic (aka Boban Bapsi) and is demanding that his sentence be increased. International PEN is alarmed by this development. It strongly protests the original […]

Link to: Author Nadire Mater and publisher Semih Sokmen face up to twelve years in prison; editor indicted for quotes from Mater’s Book

Author Nadire Mater and publisher Semih Sokmen face up to twelve years in prison; editor indicted for quotes from Mater’s Book

(WiPC/IFEX) – On 7 July 2000, at the sixth hearing against Nadire Mater, author of “Mehmed’s Book”, and its publisher, Semih Sokmen, the public prosecutor demanded that the writer be given two to twelve years in prison. The final hearing of the case is due on 24 August. Meanwhile, on 24 June, the editor-in-chief of […]

Link to: Journalist and translator detained, writer and publisher released on bail

Journalist and translator detained, writer and publisher released on bail

**For more information on the cases of Mehrangiz Kar and Shahla Lahiji, see IFEX alerts of 16, 12, 5 and 1 May, 28 and 25 April 2000. For more information on the case of Ezzatollah Sahabi, see IFEX alert of 28 June 2000.** (WiPC/IFEX) – WiPC is protesting the arrests of journalist Ezzatollah Sahabi and […]

Link to: Newspaper director ordered to serve three-month term for articles

Newspaper director ordered to serve three-month term for articles

(WiPC/IFEX) – On 3 June 2000, a three-month sentence against Dusica Radulovic, for articles published in her newspaper, was upheld and she was ordered to enter prison. International PEN is alarmed by the sentence, considering it to be a direct attack upon the independent media in Serbia, and is urging that Radulovic not be imprisoned. […]

Link to: Writer sentenced to five months in prison

Writer sentenced to five months in prison

**Updates IFEX alert of 18 January 1999** (WiPC/IFEX) – On 10 June 2000, writer Boban Miletic (who writes in the name of Boban Bapsi) was sentenced to five months in prison for defamation of President Slobodan Milosevic. International PEN strongly protests the sentence, considering it to be a blatant attack upon the right to freedom […]

Link to: Assassination attempt against writer; concerns for safety of his publisher

Assassination attempt against writer; concerns for safety of his publisher

(WiPC/IFEX) – WiPC is seriously concerned for the safety of Afghan writer and researcher Mohammad Enam Wak following an attempted assassination, apparently in connection with a book he had just published. There are also serious concerns for the safety of his publisher Farid Bazger. Wak, Bazger and their families are believed to be at risk […]

Link to: Supreme Court overturns Flora Brovina?s conviction

Supreme Court overturns Flora Brovina?s conviction

(WiPC/IFEX) – The Serbian Supreme Court has overturned the conviction of poet, paediatrician, and women’s rights activist, Flora Brovina, and has returned the case for review by the Nis District Court. She remains detained pending a decision on whether she should be granted bail. International PEN considers Brovina to be held only because of her […]

Link to: WiPC protests writer’s detention, expresses concern for her health, possible ill-treatment while in detention

WiPC protests writer’s detention, expresses concern for her health, possible ill-treatment while in detention

(WiPC/IFEX) – The WiPC protests the detention of writer, editor and human rights lawyer Mehrangiz Kar, and is concerned for her health. There are fears that she may be at risk of ill-treatment whilst in detention. International PEN considers her to be detained in violation of her right to freedom of expression, and is calling […]