PEN International

Articles by PEN International

Egypt: Poet Galal El-Behairy is at risk after 80 days on hunger strike

PEN International believes the jailed poet is being targeted for his writings critical of Egyptian authorities.

Myanmar: PEN member now serving 54-year prison sentence

PEN Myanmar member Wai Moe Naing was convicted of high treason for his role as a protest leader and sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment.

Over 100 Nobel Laureates join PEN International in support of Nobel Peace Prize winner Ales Bialiatski

Ales Bialiatski has dared to hold President Lukašenka accountable for his brutal, relentless, and systematic crackdown on independent voices. For this, he is paying the heaviest price: ten years in prison on spurious grounds.

Malta: Free expression organisations call on the authorities to give full protection to writer and activist Robert Aquilina

“As a public figure who speaks out against corruption, we are deeply concerned about Robert Aquilina’s welfare and that of his family. We also fear that as more corruption is uncovered by journalists, writers, and activists, with no police action taken to investigate and prosecute, the more those uncovering this corruption will be targeted by those who feel untouchable.”

HRC52: Joint oral statement on cultural rights and migration

IFEX joins over 180 groups and individuals in urging member states to recognise the critical role of migrant artists in advancing human rights, and to provide accessible asylum policies, comprehensive protection programs and proactive, inclusive cultural policies.

Call for action to free María Cristina Garrido Rodríguez

María Cristina Garrido Rodríguez is a Cuban poet and activist. On March 10, 2022, she was sentenced to seven years in prison on charges of ‘public disorder,’ ‘assault’, ‘instigation to commit a crime’, ‘contempt,’ and ‘resistance’.

Mexico: Pegasus spyware used on journalists and citizens

The investigation has revealed shocking evidence of the illegal use of surveillance tools by the military to spy on its own people.

Chinese authorities must release “Blank Paper” protesters and allow free expression on COVID-19 pandemic

25 organizations call on the Chinese government to immediately and unconditionally release four women arrested for participating in a memorial protest, and all other “Blank Paper” protesters, many of whom were women.